Tag Archives: Equine Protection

U2 Joining in This Plight!

The band U2 is joining in on this fight for our wild horses! Our wild horse herds are quickly dwindling and things need to step up!

This important Call to Action music video will be airing on networks around the planet in the weeks ahead!

Wild Horses & Renegades will have its official release May 7th-14th at the 34th International Wildlife Film Festival in Missoula Montana.

Please watch; please share! Thank you from the bottom of my galloping heart!

Where the wild wind blows,

Sonya, aka Mustang Meg

Speak Out for Mustangs and Burros in Arizona

Join us in Phoenix to represent the last of America’s wild horses and burros

The clock is winding down for the BLM’s Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board meeting in Phoenix. On March 10 and 11 (Thursday and Friday), The Cloud Foundation will be in leading the charge, along with friends of wild horses and burros from across the country. We are calling for an immediate halt to all BLM roundups that are destroying the last of America’s wild herds at enormous taxpayer expense. We urge you to join us on those two days at the Phoenix Sheraton Downtown Hotel (340 N. 3rd St). Even if you cannot come to the meeting itself, we urge you to come show your support at one or all of the events below:

Join me, Academy Award-winning author of Dances with Wolves, Michael Blake; wild horse philanthropist, Madeleine Pickens; R. T. Fitch of Habitat for Horses Advisory Council; Simone Netherlands of Respect4Horses; Laura Leigh of Grassroots Horse and others who will be voicing our support for our wild horses and burros at a Thursday Press Conference, March 10, 11:30 am to 12:30 in the Sheraton’s South Mountain Room. The BLM meeting will start at 1 pm.

Continue reading Speak Out for Mustangs and Burros in Arizona

Negative Equine Piroplasmosis Test Now a Requirement

The American Quarter Horse Journal — Beginning July 1, 2011, all horses entering the grounds for any AQHA world championship show – in Oklahoma City, Amarillo or Houston – will be required to present a certificate of a negative blood test for equine piroplasmosis. The tests must have been completed within the previous six months and will cost exhibitors $30-$40 per horse.

Equine piroplasmosis is a disease of horses, donkeys, mules and zebras that is caused by two parasitic organisms, Theileria equi and Babesia caballi. Although, equine piroplasmosis is primarily transmitted to horses by ticks, this bloodborne disease has been spread mechanically from animal to animal by contaminated needles.

Currently, racetracks in 11 states have testing requirements for Equine Piroplasmosis and that number will increase. With the potential of an infected racehorse retiring to the show pen, the show industry is vulnerable.

“As the industry leader, AQHA needs to be vigilant and establish testing requirements to ensure any case of equine piroplasmosis can’t be traced back to an AQHA event,” said Tom Persechino, AQHA executive director of competition and breed integrity. “We’re encouraging all exhibitors to contact their veterinarians to schedule these tests. If the tests are completed around the second week of July, that horse will be eligible to show at the youth, select and open/amateur world without requiring another test.”

Continue reading Negative Equine Piroplasmosis Test Now a Requirement

2011 Homes for Horses Coalition Conference May 4-7, 2011 in Orlando, Florida

SIGN UP NOW to take advantage of FREE registration to the 2011 Homes for Horses Coalition Conference/Animal Care Expo in Orlando, Florida from May 4-7, 2011!

Dear Homes for Horses Coalition Member:
It’s time to register and make arrangements for this year’s Homes for Horses Coalition Conference in Orlando, Florida!  This is the 5th annual HHC Conference and we are sure that this year’s event will continue to strengthen the foundation you and so many others have helped establish, to make HHC the leading horse advocacy coalition in the country.

HHC is unique when it comes to equine advocacy groups.  It is made up of actual horse owners who are involved in all aspects of the horse industry, and equine rescues and sanctuaries community caring for and finding good homes for America’s horses.  While there are other so-called “horse coalitions” who talk about horse welfare, none bring the hands-on involvement, experience and commitment that make HHC one of a kind!  With your continued involvement, we look forward to building on these accomplishments and making a difference to even more horses in 2011!

Continue reading 2011 Homes for Horses Coalition Conference May 4-7, 2011 in Orlando, Florida

Saving America’s Mustangs Responds to BLM’s Thursday Announcement

Dear Friends & Supporters,
Saving America’s Mustangs (SAM) is encouraged by yesterday’s announcement by Bureau of Land Management Director Bob Abbey that major changes are on the horizon for the Wild Horse and Burro Program.  However, we have many concerns about the timetable to make these changes and actions that the BLM will take in the intervening time while America waits for these changes to go into effect.  It is also hard not to recognize that promises have been made in the past with no results and the startling number of horses that continue to be gathered remains an untenable fact and something needs to be done about gathers in the short term to protect the diminishing numbers of wild horses left on the range.  The incremental and minimalist approach taken in the past has not served anyone well and the public is crying out for reform in the short-term.

Looking at the specifics of Director Abbey’s statement, we would call for Secretary Salazar and Director Abbey to take an in depth look at the following:

1.       The current Appropriate Management Levels (AML) is severely flawed in a number of ways.  The number of aums allocated to horses compared with those given to cattle is skewed badly and must be changed.  The BLM must do an audit of the forage on all public lands allotments and ensure that there is true equity where multiple uses are concerned.

Continue reading Saving America’s Mustangs Responds to BLM’s Thursday Announcement

Save Wild Horses from Inhumane Roundups!

Dear Animal Advocates,
The U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) continues to mismanage the care of wild horses and burros. The agency’s current policies allow inhumane methods of gathering and confining equines, and could spell the end for these national icons. But there’s still an opportunity to help save our wild horses. U.S. Representative Dan Burton of Indiana has succeeded in passing an amendment to the Interior Appropriations Bill to cut $2 million from the BLM’s annual budget in order to pressure the agency to end its ill-conceived efforts.

This amendment was adopted by the U.S. House of Representatives and will soon be considered in the Senate. Please let your two U.S. senators know that they should support the Burton amendment to cut $2 million dollars from the BLM’s budget—this cut saves money and our country’s wild horses.

What You Can Do
Please ask your U.S. senators to support a $2 million reduction in the BLM’s budget and help protect wild horses! Visit the ASPCA Advocacy Center online to email your senators now.

Thank you for your support.


Pinata Ponies to Help the Horses of Pure Thoughts Horse Rescue

February 18, 2011 — Wellington, FL — Each week a special Pinata Pony will be around the show grounds in Wellington. Tickets are sold for the Pinata Pony; the proceeds will benefit the horses of Pure Thoughts Horse Rescue. You can participate by contacting or visiting the vendor who has the pony and is supplying the major gift in the pony. The pony is filled with goodies and a special item.

This week the pony is at Michelle Farmer’s store at the Palm Beach International Equestrian Center.  Michelle has donated one of her unique necklaces, the “Kathryn” shown here with 14kt gold, rust leather and white baroque pearls, valued at $400.

Participation tickets are $10 each. For more information on Michelle Farmer’s designs you can visit www.michellefarmer.com. For directions to Michelle’s store, where tickets can be purchased please contact 516 769 3365 or email michelle@michellefarmer.com.

Each week the location of the new Pinata Pony will be listed on the website of Pure Thoughts Horse Rescue at www.PTHR.org. 100% of the proceeds will be donated to the rescue. This week you have the opportunity to not only help the horses but also receive a beautiful one of a kind necklace, along with a pony full of goodies… that is if you can bear to break open the pretty little pony. Michelle has picked out a beautiful pony this week.

Media Contact: Mason Phelps
Phelps Media Group, Inc. International
phone 561.753.3389  fax 561.753.3386

Breaking News: Congress Approves $2 Million Tax Cut for the BLM!

Dear Friends & Supporters,
It’s a great day for the mustangs! Yesterday afternoon, Congressman Dan Burton (R-IN) went on the floor of Congress with an amendment to a voice vote to cut the BLM’s Wild Horse and Burro budget by $2 million dollars.

It was voted on and approved! This is HUGE news and is sure to send a message to agency officials that the American people will not let their actions go unnoticed.

“Indiana Republican Dan Burton says his amendment is intended to send a signal to agency officials that most Americans want the mustangs treated more humanely on public lands across the West,” as told to the Associated Press.

Here is the full article from yesterday’s vote.

Please be sure to write to Rep. Burton and thank him for going out of his way for our mustangs! Click here!

We also want you to see this powerful video created and produced by Ginger Kathrens of The Cloud Foundation.  Please be advised that some of these images are disturbing, but unfortunately, that is the truth to these government roundups. Please watch all the way through.

Congressional Appeal to Halt the Roundups

Read more> http://www.horsesinthesouth.com/article/article_detail.aspx?id=13274

Utah Legislator Introduces Resolution Opposing Dead Bill

February 7, 2011 – Chicago (EWA) – On February 1st, Utah Senator David P. Hinkins introduced joint resolution S.J.R 11, titled “A Resolution Expressing Opposition to Federal Restoring Our Mustangs Act.”  The resolution expresses opposition to federal bills H.R. 1018 / S. 1579, known collectively as the ROAM Act. The only problem is that the ROAM Act was from the 111th Congress and no longer exists.

The ROAM act was passed by the House of Representatives on July 19, 2009 but was never taken up by the Senate and died with the end of the 111th Congress. Though initially popular among wild horse advocates, growing suspicion that ROAM could be used by the Obama Administration to implement its “Salazar Plan” caused it to lose support.

The “Salazar plan” would remove mustangs from their native habitats in the West, sterilize them, and leave them to die out on Midwestern feedlots. So intent is the Administration on this plan, that it rejected a private refuge plan offered by Madeleine Pickens, wife of oil billionaire T. Boone Pickens. That plan would have left the horses on a large tract of their native lands which the Pickenses had purchased.

Continue reading Utah Legislator Introduces Resolution Opposing Dead Bill

FEI Eventing Risk Management Action Plan on Target

Lausanne (SUI), 31 January 2011 – The FEI Eventing Risk Management Action Plan, which was launched in January 2010, is on target, as shown by the steady decrease in the percentage of Cross-Country falls.

National Safety Officers (NSOs) from 22 nations who attended the FEI’s annual NSO seminar in Greenwich, London (GBR) on 29-30 January were shown provisional statistics for 2010 which demonstrate that as numbers of international events and participants increase, the incidence of falls continues to decrease.

Read more> http://www.horsesinthesouth.com/article/article_detail.aspx?id=13093