Tag Archives: Madeleine Pickens

Ted Turner Signs on with Saving America’s Mustangs

We are pleased to announce that Saving America’s Mustangs has a new Advisory Board member, Mr. Ted Turner!

Since the early 1970s, Ted Turner has stepped into the international spotlight with one accomplishment after another. Whether in billboard advertisement, cable television, sports team ownership, sailing, environmental initiatives or philanthropy – Turner’s vision, determination, generosity and forthrightness have consistently given the world reason to take notice.

Turner now dedicates his time and resources to making the world a better, safer place for future generations. His current philanthropic interests include: the Turner Foundation, the United Nations Foundation, the Nuclear Threat Initiative, the Captain Planet Foundation, and the Turner Endangered Species Fund.


“The Turner Foundation looks at the earth as a precious asset that has been lent to us. As a family, we believe it is our job to do whatever we can to leave it better than we found it.” R. E. Turner, Chairman

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Saving America’s Mustangs Responds to BLM’s Thursday Announcement

Dear Friends & Supporters,
Saving America’s Mustangs (SAM) is encouraged by yesterday’s announcement by Bureau of Land Management Director Bob Abbey that major changes are on the horizon for the Wild Horse and Burro Program.  However, we have many concerns about the timetable to make these changes and actions that the BLM will take in the intervening time while America waits for these changes to go into effect.  It is also hard not to recognize that promises have been made in the past with no results and the startling number of horses that continue to be gathered remains an untenable fact and something needs to be done about gathers in the short term to protect the diminishing numbers of wild horses left on the range.  The incremental and minimalist approach taken in the past has not served anyone well and the public is crying out for reform in the short-term.

Looking at the specifics of Director Abbey’s statement, we would call for Secretary Salazar and Director Abbey to take an in depth look at the following:

1.       The current Appropriate Management Levels (AML) is severely flawed in a number of ways.  The number of aums allocated to horses compared with those given to cattle is skewed badly and must be changed.  The BLM must do an audit of the forage on all public lands allotments and ensure that there is true equity where multiple uses are concerned.

Continue reading Saving America’s Mustangs Responds to BLM’s Thursday Announcement

Breaking News: Congress Approves $2 Million Tax Cut for the BLM!

Dear Friends & Supporters,
It’s a great day for the mustangs! Yesterday afternoon, Congressman Dan Burton (R-IN) went on the floor of Congress with an amendment to a voice vote to cut the BLM’s Wild Horse and Burro budget by $2 million dollars.

It was voted on and approved! This is HUGE news and is sure to send a message to agency officials that the American people will not let their actions go unnoticed.

“Indiana Republican Dan Burton says his amendment is intended to send a signal to agency officials that most Americans want the mustangs treated more humanely on public lands across the West,” as told to the Associated Press.

Here is the full article from yesterday’s vote.

Please be sure to write to Rep. Burton and thank him for going out of his way for our mustangs! Click here!

We also want you to see this powerful video created and produced by Ginger Kathrens of The Cloud Foundation.  Please be advised that some of these images are disturbing, but unfortunately, that is the truth to these government roundups. Please watch all the way through.

Congressional Appeal to Halt the Roundups

Read more> http://www.horsesinthesouth.com/article/article_detail.aspx?id=13274

Madeleine Pickens Responds to BLM’s 1/21/11 Announcement Regarding Saving America’s Mustangs Eco-Sanctuary Plan

On behalf of America’s wild horses, American taxpayers, and my Saving America’s Mustang Foundation, I would like to express my deep disappointment in the BLM’s late Friday (January 21st) evening press release announcing its rejection of my proposal to create an eco-sanctuary for wild horses in Nevada.

Not even one month ago, on January 4, 2011 in Las Vegas, BLM director Bob Abbey stated publicly that my idea “has merit and deserves serious consideration.” Today, he has rejected the project, notifying the media, but providing my foundation with no explanation, despite our three years of hard work on the plan.

My eco-sanctuary proposal offers a cost-effective solution to the problem of the BLM’s roundup and warehousing of as many as 40,000 wild horses in off-the-range holding facilities. It is exactly the kind of public/private partnership solution that Interior Secretary Ken Salazar has stated is essential to reform of the wild horse and burro program.

So imagine my astonishment when I read in the news release that my plan didn’t save money.  During our three years of work, BLM officials at every level acknowledged in meetings with me that the eco-sanctuary plan saves the taxpayers money.

Read more> http://www.horsesinthesouth.com/article/article_detail.aspx?id=13031

It’s not too late! You have one day to save 400 mustangs in the Great Divide Basin HMA in Wyoming’s Red Desert. Please act now…

Dear Friends & Supporters,
The Interior Department’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is asking for public comments on its proposal to remove 600 wild horses from the Great Basin Divide Herd Management Area (HMA) in Wyoming’s Red Desert region. The BLM says that this 1,215 square area can only sustain 415 to 600 horses. BLM claims 1,000 mustangs live in the area. Meanwhile, the BLM authorizes thousands of cattle to graze this same area. According to BLM statistics, Wyoming has the second highest wild horse population in the nation, yet the latest available BLM population figures (FY 2009) estimate just 5,000 horses. The state has reduced the areas where wild horses are allowed to roam by nearly half in the last four decades and aims reduce the overall population further to just 3,700 horses. Less than three months ago, BLM captured and removed over 2,000 wild horses from another area of Wyoming’s pristine Red Desert region in the Adobe Town and Salt Wells Creek Herd Management Areas.

Urge the BLM to implement a fertility control program instead of a capture and removal operation, and undertake a process to increase Appropriate Management Levels (AMLs) for wild horses and decrease livestock grazing in this federally-designated wild horse area.  Please personalize the message below.

Click here to TAKE ACTION to voice opposition to BLM Proposal to remove 400-600 mustangs in Wyoming

Also, please TAKE ACTION today to stop the Antelope Complex gather in late January 2011.

Also, please join in on the discussions on our Facebook fan page today. www.facebook.com/mustangmonument and on Twitter: @mpickens.

Visit her website for up to the minute information: www.savingamericasmustangs.org.

Also check out the Mustang Monument Wild Horse Eco Sanctuary Page: www.mustangmonument.com.

Become a supporter of the wild horse issue: Click here.

Saving America’s Mustangs

2683 Via de la Valle

# G313

Del Mar, California 92014

Update on BLM, Antelope Complex Gather, & Politico Campaign Launch

Dear Friends & Supporters,
We thoughtfully planned out an online and print campaign in Politico to run today, January 18th. It was the best outlet to target the right audience to get the most attention and a solution to the wild horse issues we are facing.

The audience is composed of the country’s innovators and high-end consumers:

  • Thought Leaders and Opinion Influencers
  • Key Decision Makers in Business and Finance
  • Investors
  • Community Leaders and Concerned Citizens
  • Journalists
  • Educators
  • Federal, State & Local Elected Officials and Policymakers

With one click you can reach:

2010 Site stats:
3,723,219 Unique Visitors
10,064,124 Visits
25,230,687 Page views
Source: Google Analytics

18-34 yrs old – 10%
35-49 yrs old – 39%
50+ yrs old – 47%
Male – 73% / Female – 27%
Average HHI 60k-100k – 30%
Average HHI over $100k – 42%
College – 49%
Graduate School – 34%
Source: Quantcast

Please TAKE ACTION today to stop the Antelope Complex gather this January 2011.

Continue reading Update on BLM, Antelope Complex Gather, & Politico Campaign Launch

Please Take Action Today to Postpone the Antelope Complex Wild Horse Gather at the Future Eco-Sanctuary Site

Dear Friends,
So many of you often ask me what you can do to help the wild horses. Here is what you can do. The BLM has publicly stated in a press release that they have plans “to gather and remove approximately 1,917 to 2,278 excess wild horses from in and around the Antelope Complex.”

I have previously submitted a proposal to Bob Abbey to postpone this gather that directly affects the wild horses on the future site of the eco-sanctuary that we are developing in Nevada and allow me to construct my own holding facilities on the private lands that I have already purchased for the horses, which are adjacent to the Antelope Complex. This would also be a considerable savings to American taxpayers and the government in many ways.

Continue reading Please Take Action Today to Postpone the Antelope Complex Wild Horse Gather at the Future Eco-Sanctuary Site

Horse Slaughter Proponents Attack Rose Parade Mustang Float

December 31, 2010 – Chicago (EWA) – Sue Wallis, Executive Director of United Organizations of the Horse (UOH) and organizer of an upcoming meeting of horse slaughter proponents in Las Vegas, has launched an eleventh hour attack on not just horses, but floats showing horses.

Wallis, in a letter posted on her summit blog, announced a press release from an obscure member group called the National Tribal Horse Coalition. The organization, originally the Northwest Tribal Horse Coalition, was renamed when it joined UOH in May of 2009. The press release claims the float “is an abuse of the reputation of the North American Indian” because a Native American is included on the float looking over the mustangs.

The float, sponsored by Madeleine Pickens, mustang advocate and wife of oil billionaire T. Boone Pickens, depicts the beauty of these American icons. Wallis, who believes mustangs are feral pests, has long advocated their slaughter.

Continue reading Horse Slaughter Proponents Attack Rose Parade Mustang Float

Don’t Forget to Watch the Saving America’s Mustangs 2011 Rose Parade Float Tomorrow!

Dear Friends & Supporters,
Tomorrow (January 1st), our Saving America’s Mustangs 2011 Rose Parade float will be showcased to over 54 million viewers worldwide! We were at judging early this morning and we will find out if we won any of the 20 out of 23 awards that we are eligible for.

Below is a small sample of how amazing our float looks! (Just wait until you see all of the participants on it!)

I also want to thank all the volunteers (Petal Pushers) who spent tireless hours meticulously decorating our float. It looks so amazing! Phoenix Decorating and all the volunteers did an exceptional job! Thank you all so much!

This is such great exposure for the Wild Ones! Please make a point to tune into the Rose Parade on January 1st and give our mustangs the attention they deserve! This is also a great opportunity to see real, GREAT AMERICAN MUSTANGS live! Six of our very own mustangs will be walking proudly in the 5.5 mile parade, celebrating the Rose Bowl and our American heritage! One million parade goers will be lining the streets to get a glimpse at these beautiful, floral floats. We would love to have you cheer us on and wave to you as we pass by.

Also accompanying our float and equestrian unit we will be honoring many great Americans including: wounded veterans, including several from Patriot Paws, as well as our 4 legged heroes from the Military War Dogs Association, and several Native American tribes, not to mention some of our respected Saving America’s Mustangs Advisory Board Members and a HUGE fireworks display!

Continue reading Don’t Forget to Watch the Saving America’s Mustangs 2011 Rose Parade Float Tomorrow!

Here’s a Sneak Peek at Our Saving America’s Mustangs’ 2011 Rose Parade Float

Dear Friends & Supporters,
In just 10 short days, our Saving America’s Mustangs’ 2011 Rose Parade float will officially be revealed to over 54 million viewers! We were in Pasadena, CA last week getting a sneak peek at our float that is nearly completed and WOW!

Just wait until you see it! You will not believe how AMAZING it looks!

This is such great exposure for the Wild Ones! To give you a small taste of what it looks like, we want to present to you the never before seen rendering by our float builder (above left). However, after seeing the float in person and seeing the sculpted wild horses, which are LARGER THAN LIFE, we can hardly wait to unveil it to you and millions of others worldwide on New Year’s Day! Please make a point to tune into the Rose Parade on January 1st and give our mustangs the attention they deserve! This is also a great opportunity to see real, GREAT AMERICAN MUSTANGS live!

Continue reading Here’s a Sneak Peek at Our Saving America’s Mustangs’ 2011 Rose Parade Float