You Can Stop Equine Bleeding; Healthy Blood Pressure Is the Key

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Most evidence indicates EIPH in horses is caused by extra high blood pressure in the pulmonary circulation during exercise causing capillaries to rupture, vein remodeling and further damage when blood leaks into healthy lung tissue.  Now there’s an effective, natural treatment that can restore healthy blood pressure and prevent bleeding completely: an electrolyte-balancing patch marketed under the trade name “Equiwinner”.

Mesa, AZ (Oct. 25, 2011) – Bleeding in horses (Exercise Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage, EIPH) is now widely accepted as being associated with extra high blood pressure in the pulmonary circulation when the horse is under exertion[1].  Bleeding, and its consequences, not only affects performance negatively, it is a risk to the horse’s health and general well-being and should not be ignored.

In addition, researchers at Michigan State University believe that every time a horse exercises, not just during a race, the pressure goes up in its lungs enough to stretch veins, causing the veins to remodel.   Severe remodeling leads to rerouting of blood to nearby areas thus raising the pressure there.

The goal, therefore, is to restore normal, healthy blood pressure.  Normal blood pressure is the low resting to very high racing scale of blood pressure found in a free running wild horse, or a domesticated endurance horse, rising with exertion but not so high as to cause distress or bleeding.  The extra high blood pressure associated with bleeding is caused by capillary loss known as rarefaction when the electrolyte balance has deteriorated.  This loss of an essential part of the circulatory system is well known in humans to cause blood pressure to rise.

Furosemide, a diuretic, will temporarily reduce blood pressure by excreting water, but now there is a better, more effective alternative to continually treating for high blood pressure.

That solution is a patented, non-invasive dermal patch that serves as a natural electrolyte balancing system.  Developed by Therapina Ltd in the United Kingdom, the SmartCell Signal system restores normal cell metabolism by stimulating communication directly between cells in the horse’s body. The patch is marketed under the trade name “Equiwinner”.

Equiwinner resets electrolyte balance and starts to work almost immediately and, combined with only walking exercise for a total of fifteen days completely restores all capillaries to prevent the extra high blood pressure. The lung tissue has scars caused by previous bleeding, and these scars will normally rupture, causing more bleeding, but the Equiwinner procedure allows the scars to fully heal during the fifteen days. Normal training can then be resumed with confidence.

Since electrolytes are involved in every physiological process in the horse’s body, restoring optimal electrolyte balance with Equiwinner also improves overall performance.

These electrolyte-balancing patches are safe, effective and easy to use. The simple treatment costs less than continually trying to manage EIPH. One single treatment can be effective for up to one full year, when used as directed. Because the patches contain only natural balanced electrolytes, no chemicals or drugs are released into the horse’s body so the animal will never test positive in any competitive sport.

Equiwinner patches are distributed in the United States and Canada by Signal-Health LLC and are available from the company’s website at or by phoning toll-free: 1-877-378-4946.

Barbara Socha, President
480-985-9515 or 1-877-378-4946

Signal-Health LLC and Signal-Health Canada Inc. are distributors of the Equiwinner patch in the United States and Canada, respectively. Equiwinner is manufactured by Therapina Ltd UK.

1. Langsetmo, I., Meyer, M. R. and Erickson, H. H. (2000) Relationship of pulmonary arterial pressure to pulmonary haemorrhage in exercising horses. Equine Vet J 32, 379-384.

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