Tag Archives: Whole Horse Whole Rider Series

Stress Management for Horse and Rider

Heike Kemmer mounted and Mary Ann Simonds.

The ABCs of Horse-Human Connection & Communication

Whole Horse, Whole Rider Series Final Talk at Whole Foods Wellington

Thursday March 21, 2013
6:30-8:00 pm – Lifestyle Room
2635 State Road 7 Wellington, FL 33414

You won’t want to miss the last talk in our Whole Horse, Whole Rider Series as we integrate and demonstrate simple tips to keep you and your horse stress free. The series has been sponsored by Whole Foods Market Wellington and the Whole Horse & Equestrian Science Institute as a way of bringing together the equestrian community with the wellness lifestyle. “There are many equestrians who shop at Whole Foods and we wanted to provide an opportunity for some of the good trainers and riders to share their philosophies about what they are doing to keep their horses and themselves healthy,” said Mary Ann Simonds, Director of the Whole Horse & Equestrian Science Institute.

As athletes and social mammals, horses and humans share a number of “stressors” from separation and traveling to performance anxiety and environmental toxins. These stressors often go unnoticed until there is a breakdown such as a physical injury, adrenal exhaustion or behavioral issue. So understanding all the options you have to assist yourself and your horse to manage stress was a key focus.

“After the season opened at WEF with the ‘Lunch and Learn’ talk I did on Stress Management for Horse and Rider, it seemed like a nice way to wrap things up with a continuation of the talk at Whole Foods focused more on what both horse and rider could do daily to manage their stress and stay balanced. We have some great people doing wonderful things to help their horses and I wanted a way to share what they were doing. Whole Foods Market has been a perfect partner to bring awareness to the equestrian community and blend healthy lifestyle thinking for horses and people,” Mary Ann said.

Paulo Santana and Taloubet, "de-stressing " together
Paulo Santana and Taloubet, “de-stressing” together

We’ve had a great series of guest speakers with Geoff Teall & Paulo Santana, addressing Equestrian Philosophy, Jean-Peiere Hourdebagt, & Dr. Beverly Gordon, addressing the body, and Liz Olszewski and Lisa Lewis-Green, addressing the emotions. Now we will integrate and have some fun discussing things people can do for themselves and their horses to reduce and manage stress.

Join us in a discussion of how to stay balanced in an unbalanced world.

Learn how to “breath” with your horse.
Slow down your brain waves, connect and communicate with your horse.
Feel energized and identify stress before it has a negative impact.

We will also discuss various herbs, smells (aromatherapy) and essences (flower essences) that can calm you and your horse. And we will explore how simple “tapping”, light or music can relax and ease stress away. We will touch on what environmental stressors such as electro-magnetic fields or toxins can do and what are the options to balance their affects.

Come have fun, eat some wholesome food and learn simple ways to balance you, your horse and any other animals you may have in your life.

Mary Ann Simonds, MA, an equine behavioral ecologist/ethologist, has been working for over 35 years in the horse industry researching and teaching people simple ways to better understand, train and reduce stress in horses. She founded the Whole Horse & Equestrian Science Institute in 1985 in California and has sponsored hundreds of educational events and clinics. Pioneering the field of “equestrian psychology” and human-animal interaction science, she did her graduate research on the horse-human relationship. An author, clinician and educator, her books are published in German, but she has a number of other educational products, which are in English. She also developed the Natural Vibrations line of stress management products for Toklat Originals and continues to do research on the best ways to help horses and humans. For more information, you can go to www.maryannsimonds.com or read her blog “Between the Ears” at Sidelines: http://sidelinesnews.com/blogs/betweentheears/.

Please RSVP either at Whole Foods Market by calling 561 904-4000 and leave message at front desk if you want to attend or contact:

Mary Ann Simonds – 360 907-4591 or maryann.simonds@gmail.com

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