Tag Archives: Cloud Foundation

A Tribute to Trigger, Pryor Band Stallion

We come to you with sad news today. Our Freedom Family of Pryor Mustangs has suffered a loss — their band stallion Trigger passed away recently at the age of 24.

Trigger and his band were rescued by the Cloud Foundation after the tragic roundup of 2009. We took in several families of senior Pryor mustangs in order to keep them together and safe. Trigger was the leader of our “Freedom Family” for many years, and has blessed us with several offspring, including our surprise filly, Calamity Jane, just last year.

Click to watch Ginger’s video tribute to Trigger, whom she’d known since he was a mere colt — even before she met the indomitable Cloud!

We hope you enjoy our memories of Trigger.

The Cloud Foundation team

The Cloud Foundation

BLM Caught in Hypocrisy

Photo credit: ©Nadja Rider, local Sand Wash Advocate.

Just months ago, Colorado BLM cried “emergency” drought in the Sand Wash Basin HMA to justify the removal 600+ wild mustangs from their federally-designated habitat.

The use of the “emergency” designation is an old tactic in the BLM playbook and they’re using it more and more.

Why is this a BIG DEAL? Because it allows the agency to sidestep the lawful NEPA process which requires environmental review. It also blocks us, the American public, from exercising our RIGHT to give meaningful feedback on the activities of our government.

Now, just months after there purportedly wasn’t enough water or forage for our federally protected wild horses, local advocates have captured photos and video showing thousands of sheep grazing in Sand Wash Basin.

The sheep are on their way to their wintering grounds in Wyoming, where the largest roundup in BLM history is currently under way.

This is inexcusable.

Today the Cloud Foundation released a statement calling upon Congress to investigate BLM’s pattern of abusing the “emergency” designation to subvert NEPA requirements.

If you can support this effort with a donation of any amount, please help us to continue this important work.

Government should work FOR the people. It should not ignore the will of the majority its citizens to benefit a privileged few.

The Cloud Foundation

Jackson Mountains Wild Horses Need Your Voice

As you read this, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is conducting an “emergency” roundup – removing hundreds of wild horses from the Jackson Mountains Herd Management Area (HMA).

The agency claims limited water and forage is the reason — but, while the BLM cries “emergency” and rounds up our wild horses, they added commercial livestock to this same area just months ago!

This cannot go unopposed.

BLM is taking public comments on this roundup plan in Jackson Mountains as the roundup is taking place!

It is ESSENTIAL to have strong public opposition ON THE RECORD for this unfair, unscientific, and inhumane treatment of animals who are supposed to be protected.

Please take quick action to oppose the BLM and be a voice for the Jackson Mountains wild horses.

The Cloud Foundation

Stop the Brutal Killing of Donkeys Worldwide

Ejiao. One tiny word with massive global impacts. Ejiao is a gel made from boiling donkey skins. It is used in traditional Chinese medicine, cosmetics, and beauty products.

Millions of the world’s donkeys (some of whom are American wild burros) are slaughtered every year for their skins. You read that correctly. Millions.

According to Brooke USA, a nonprofit fighting to protect working equids, the world’s total burro population could be cut in half within 5 years.

That’s 22 million donkey lives lost.

The impacts of this barbaric trade extend beyond the cruel fate of the animals themselves. In impoverished rural communities, donkeys are frequently stolen and slaughtered, sometimes right outside their owner’s property. Imagine waking to find your beloved burro, the animal upon whom you rely for your livelihood, was stolen and killed while you slept.

These animals need your help.

Amazon is the leading online retailer of Ejiao in the US. Brooke USA is calling on Amazon to STOP selling this cruel product – and we want to help.

Click here to send a quick message to Amazon executives urging them to stop supplying Ejiao. Together we can make a difference for our beloved burros.

To find out more about the Ejiao trade and how you can help working horses, mules, and donkeys worldwide, please visit Brooke USA’s website HERE.

The Cloud Foundation

BLM Plans Feedlot to Hold 4,000 Wild Horses

Increased funding from Congress has enabled the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to dramatically increase removals of wild horses and burros from our public lands this year.

It’s expected that more than 17,000 wild horses and burros will be removed in FY2021, a more than 50% increase over last year.

Now BLM is scrambling to find places to hold our removed wild horses and burros. Their answer? Factory farm-style feedlots.

One current proposal would allow 4,000 wild horses and burros to be confined in dirt pens on just 100 acres of land near Winnemucca, Nevada. These iconic, once wild and free animals will be forced to live, eat, and sleep in their own waste – which is a recipe for disease and death in such confined quarters.

Not surprisingly, this is a BLM partnership to benefit a livestock transport company. Once again, our magnificent wild horses and burros lose everything while Big Animal Agriculture gains.

Please take a moment to express your strong opposition to this ill-conceived plan.

Each of us must be on the record objecting to this proposal for the many legitimate humane, environmental, and tax-dollar accountability problems it creates. Please take quick action here!

The Cloud Foundation

Sand Wash Basin Wild Horses Get Reprieve

BLM has called an end to the abuse-ridden wild horse roundup inside Sand Wash Basin HMA. It’s believed that massive public outcry and political pressure from Colorado Governor Polis influenced the agency’s decision to stop the roundup before they reached their goal of capturing 783 horses.

Sadly, roundup operations continue outside the HMA to the north, almost to the Wyoming border. There are advocates on the ground documenting, and we will keep you informed as we learn more.

In a press release, The Cloud Foundation founder and former Wild Horse Advisory Board Member Ginger Kathrens called upon the BLM to change course:

“The brutal Sand Wash roundup is over, thanks to the thousands of calls, messages, and emails from people not only in the United States but around the world who value our wild horses. It’s shameful that the BLM does not value them at all. The inhumane practices in this roundup are blatant violations of the BLM’s own animal welfare guidelines. It is high time that this program be totally reviewed, and the travesties of the past be corrected.”

TCF worked in conjunction with the Sand Wash Advocacy Team (SWAT) prior to the roundup in an effort stop what – predictably – became a deadly event. Your efforts resulted in nearly 9,000 messages, calls, and emails sent to BLM and our political leaders. YOU made a difference in the lives of the Sand Wash horses who have been spared.

Thank you for your support of our cherished wild horses and burros. You can read the full press release here.

The Cloud Foundation

Colorado Politicians Take a Stand for Wild Horses

On Tuesday, Colorado Governor Jared Polis took a historic stand when he called upon Secretary Haaland and Acting Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Director Nada Culver to halt the “emergency” roundup in the Sand Wash Basin HMA.

The Governor’s letter was closely followed by separate entreaties from Senator Joe Neguse, The Cloud Foundation, and two of the nation’s leading conservation groups – Western Watersheds Project and the Sierra Club.

Cloud Foundation supporters sent nearly 9,000 messages to the BLM in recent weeks. We continue to fight for these horses and call upon BLM to stop the Sand Wash Basin Roundup.

A democratic government is supposed to be transparent and responsive to the will of the people – and the Bureau of Land Management is neither. This is why – now more than ever – Americans need to speak up for what they believe in.

PLEASE CALL RIGHT NOW! Tell them to STOP this roundup – that Americans want wild horses, not livestock, on our public lands.

  • Secretary Deb Haaland at (202)-208-3100
  • Acting BLM Director Nada Culver: (202)-208-3801
  • BLM Colorado State Director Jamie Connell at (970) 673-7768 and (303) 239-3700 and (303) 239-3600

Nearly every historic social movement has faced the same challenges. Government doesn’t change until the People force it to. We can and will be successful – but only if we never give up the fight.

TCF is committed to fighting for wild horses and burros to receive their fair share on the lands that were dedicated to them in 1971, and to be managed humanely in the wild where they belong. We can’t do that without your help – please take a moment and make those calls today!

Read more here.

The Cloud Foundation

Urge BLM to Ditch Roundup to Stop Inbreeding and Genetic Crisis Facing America’s Wild Burros

America’s wild burros face a genetic crisis due to the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM’s) mismanagement of these hardy little animals. The agency keeps most burro populations so small that inbreeding is inevitable.

The only way to address this is to reduce livestock grazing and increase the number of burros on the range.

BLM’s unscientific “Appropriate” Management Level (AML) stands in the way of this humane alternative to roundups. In this rigged “AML” system, any animal over BLM’s arbitrary quota is considered “overpopulation.”

The BLM plans to decimate the Sinbad wild burro herd — removing 230 of the 290 burros. Leaving just 50 to 70 animals in the herd is literally “managing” the Sinbad burros to slow extinction.

Please take action NOW. Call on BLM to 1) ditch this ill-conceived plan, 2) reduce or eliminate livestock grazing in order to increase AML, and 3) manage these environmentally beneficial animals humanely with PZP.

The Cloud Foundation

Help Halt Mass Removal in Sand Wash Basin, Colorado

Photo Credit: Carol Walker, Living Images.

BLM has confirmed their intention to roundup 783 wild horses using helicopters and remove them from their home in the Sand Wash Basin HMA of Colorado.

They will return just 50 to the range – 25 stallions and 25 mares – with the intention of taking the herd to the low AML of 163.

Earlier this year, we alerted you to this roundup plan and asked you to join us in opposing it.

This is where the rubber meets the road. We need YOU to take action today and voice your protest directly to the local BLM.

Here’s what we can report from those with boots on the ground:

  • It’s true that the range has been impacted by severe drought.
  • Recent rains have filled up water holes and left water in the washes. Forage is bad in some areas and good in others.
  • Horses for the most part are in good shape.

Here are our key points:

  • Any removals should be made using the bait-and-trap method. There are newborn foals on the range and if helicopters are used, we know there will be separation, injury, and likely death. Bait-and-trap removals are far more humane, and have been used successfully in Sand Wash.
  • A robust darting program should continue in order to avoid further removals in this “most watched” of Colorado’s wild horse herds.
  • Livestock grazing should be further reduced or eliminated altogether in order to protect the rangeland and all of the wildlife who live on it.

Please join us in urging BLM to halt the helicopters and instead, use humane bait trapping and fertility control to manage the Sand Wash Basin wild horses.

Take action here!

The Cloud Foundation

Update from Congress: Amendment to End Horse Slaughter in the Senate Infrastructure Bill

We are sorry to report that amendment 2296 to the Senate Infrastructure Bill sponsored by Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) was not adopted.

The amendment would have mirrored the House amendment (which passed) and would have banned the transport of equines for slaughter.

While this is disappointing, the fight is not over. Congress is on summer recess which means your Representatives are back in their districts.

While we know this time is chaotic on Capitol Hill – THIS is still the perfect time to take action.

Just a couple minutes of your day can make a critical difference.

The House had already adopted the provision to stop the transport of American horses and burros to slaughter. Now we need them to stand by that conviction.

Please call your Representative (find their phone numbers here).

Tell them (or leave a message):

1) Your name and that you’re a constituent who wants horse slaughter stopped for good.

2) Urge them to call on the Speaker of the House and push to include the Carter-Fitzpatrick amendment, which will end the transport of equines to slaughter, in the final Infrastructure Bill.

Then, take a second to send a quick email to your Congressperson and Senators.

The Cloud Foundation