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Motivation from Moshi, by Jane Savoie

What inspires you? A beautiful painting? Lovely music? Gorgeous scenery? A perfectly performed dressage test?

I’m inspired by physical comforts. I enjoy being brushed, eating carrots, and napping in deep, soft shavings. I’m also inspired by a job well done. Jane lets me know with her tone of voice and stroke down my long neck when I’ve performed well. That makes me warm and satisfied inside.

Finding inspiration can be difficult if you’re in a rut. Being in a rut means you’re stuck, and you can’t see out. So if you’re lacking vision to see out, perhaps it’s time to look within. Look inside and remind yourself of times in your past when you were excited about something. Is that emotional charge still there? What was it about that time that inspired you? What was going on in your life?

Once you’ve rekindled the feeling within, then it’s time to look outside of yourself and discover new ways to inspire that same excitement. Perhaps you need a new hobby or a new career. It could be time for a change of scenery. Whatever it is, know that inspiration is everywhere. You just need to look for it.

I’m enjoying the cool weather of Vermont. That inspires me to be playful in my turnout. Would you like to join me? I’ll chase you, and then you chase me! Then we’ll eat carrots. I promise to share.

Love, Moshi

From Indy:

I caught a ball midair today, right over the pond! When I went into the water, I held tight onto the ball. I got water up my nose, but I didn’t let go! Rhett was proud of me. He laughed when I snorted the pond water out my nose. I took the ball back to him and then shook hard, getting him really wet. Then it was my turn to laugh.

Jane heard the noise and came down to investigate. I guess seeing both Rhett and me soaked with water was pretty funny because she started to laugh too. Rhett stepped into the pond and splashed water at Jane with his hand. She squealed as the cool water hit her. The three of us were giggling so hard we didn’t hear Ruth sneaking up behind us. Ruth had a bucket of water and tossed it on all three of us! I started barking while Jane and Rhett chased Ruth down the hill to the barn. That got Ruth’s corgis excited, so they started chasing us, too. It was a noisy party!

We all got to the barn, panting. It was great fun. I could feel my blood rushing through my veins as I sucked down the warm air. That powerful life force moving through my body felt so good! Jane was still laughing through her gasps for oxygen, leaning on her knees to open her lungs. My friends’ faces were flushed with energy and color. I could tell they felt good.

Exercise is one of the fastest ways to help yourself feel better. No matter what your mood, a good run or a deep, long laugh will lift your spirits like nothing else. Science has proven that regular aerobic exercise is more powerful than antidepressant drugs for anxiety and depression. And it’s cheaper, too!

So, the next time you feel sad or depressed, come on over! I’ll chase you around the pond and ask Ruth to sneak up and throw a bucket of water on you. You’ll feel better in no time!

Love, Indy

Jane Savoie
1174 Hill St ext.
Berlin, VT 05602
Jane’s Website

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