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Motivation from Moshi, by Jane Savoie

Spring is here! I love this time of year. The grass is so tasty and green. It’s hard to imagine that my friends in the southern hemisphere are just now starting their fall season. The Earth sure is an interesting place to live!

I’ve heard it said that all things have a season. Jane told a friend that there was a period or “season” in her young life when all she wanted to do was jump. She thought dressage was boring. She loved the sensation of the wind in her face and the challenge of higher and higher jumps. At the time she had a horse who was entering the “fall season” of his own life, and had to slow down and not jump anymore. That is why Jane started getting serious about dressage. It was for her horse’s sake at first, but then she found new inspiration, and dressage became her passion.

Sometimes, when we are moving through the autumn of our lives, we slow down a bit. We find that we don’t take the same kind of risks, or want the same kind of challenges. This is natural for all living being. It’s not a bad thing; it’s just the perfect cycle of our physical existence.

If you’ve slowed down a little, don’t be mad or sad about it. Just know that these changes are natural. With age truly does come wisdom, so allow yourself to recognize the payoff you’ve received in those years you’ve seen go by. Finding a new passion in the new season of your life is key to remaining happy.

What do you feel passionate about? Do just a little of that, today!

Love, Moshi

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From Indy:

I had a dream last night. Jane and Rhett talked about how interesting it was, watching my sleeping body try to run. My physical legs twitched and paddled as I chased rabbits in my dream.

Dreams can be scary, or they can be fun. Mine are usually very enjoyable, and almost always include chasing something. In my dream I’m always faster than the rabbit, but I usually wake up just when I’m about to catch it.

There is another kind of dream. It’s the wish or desire that has not yet been fulfilled. That dream may require some attention to bring to physical reality.

Do you have a dream you’ve not yet realized? What would it take for you to put some effort into that dream?

Today, write down your dream and put it somewhere you will see it often. Then take another piece of paper and write down five things you could do right now to get you closer to that dream.

Do at least one of those things TODAY. You’ll be on your way!

Love, Indy

Jane Savoie
1174 Hill St ext.
Berlin, VT 05602
Jane’s Website

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