Motivation from Moshi 93, by Jane Savoie

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The dentist stopped by today. I hate the dentist. He scares me. But I know once he’s floated my teeth and taken off the sharp points on my back molars, I’ll be much more comfortable when I chew. It’s something all horses have to deal with, so I just “man up” and let him do it.

Are there things you have to do that you don’t like doing? Visiting the dentist is one of those things that’s at the top of almost everyone’s list of things they’d rather not do. That, and pay taxes. Oh… and cleaning the cat’s litter box. Oh yeah… also standing in line to get a new driver’s license or plates for the new car. And don’t forget shoveling snow… and… Wow… There are lots of things people have to do that aren’t much fun!

If I were to stop right there, you’d probably find your mind swimming with ideas for the next several hours pondering all the stuff in your life you’d rather not have to do. How would your day be? A mind spinning around looking for things to be negative about will always find them. And when your focus is on finding things to not like, I guarantee you will attract more things to not like!

It’s also true the other way around. If you want to have a positive spin on your day, decide you want to notice everything around you that is happy, uplifting, and positive. Just decide! Just for today, decide to focus on all the things going on around you that make you feel good. If doing that for a whole day is too much right now, decide to do it for just one hour.

I’ve decided to focus on all the things that make me happy–Indy’s funny smile, Jane’s attentive grooming of my shiny black coat, green Florida grass, cool water in the barn’s pretty fountain, the nice breeze through my screened stall, and a deep bed of shavings to sleep in.

Ahhhhhhh! I feel much better now!

How you feel is a choice. It’s not wrong to feel bad or feel negative, BUT IT IS A CHOICE. Knowing and staying aware of that fact is where your personal power comes from.

And you are POWERFUL!

Love, Moshi

From Indy:

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My friend Jazz just got a haircut. He looks like a movie star with his puffy hair and painted toes. He knows that he’s handsome, but he doesn’t let it go to his head. He displays a strong, quiet dignity, like a fellow who is secure with his place in the world. I really like Jazz. And while I’m a bit jealous of his poofy white hairdo, I also appreciate my own soft, butterscotch colored coat.

Jane had a bunch of friends visit this week. She showed them around our lovely barn and gave a demo ride on Moshi. Everyone was very kind to me, giving me lots of love and even a few treats. I overheard several people say how glad they were that they’d come to Jane’s event, even though they weren’t sure they’d fit in. Some were worried that they weren’t advanced enough riders or strong enough competitors to be part of the group. Some were worried that they were too old or not fit enough participate. But it didn’t take long for almost everyone to feel at home, and at ease. Almost everyone realized that they were loved and accepted by me, Jane, Moshi, and the rest of the group, just as they are.

How do you feel with the group of people you hang out with? Do you have a supportive circle of friends who love you just the way you are? Are you that good, unjudgmental friend to others?

We’re all in this together, so being kind to each other is not only the right thing to do, it will also make your life a happier and more rewarding one.

So, just for today, I suggest you find someone to be kind to. If you’ve not been very nice to yourself lately, that would be a great place to start.

I’ve had a bit of a stomach ache from all the treats I kindly received this week. So I’m going to be nice to myself and take a long nap in the sun. What are you going to do for yourself that is kind and caring today?

Love, Indy

Jane Savoie
1174 Hill St ext.
Berlin, VT 05602

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