Motivation from Moshi 101, by Jane Savoie

I stepped on a little rock yesterday and bruised my foot. Ouch! It didn’t hurt for very long, but it made me grumpy. Then I got bit on the neck by a big fly. It hurt! I snapped at it and bumped my nose on the fence. I was having a really bad day.

I stood in the corner of my turnout feeling agitated and unhappy. Then I remembered Jane saying that ATTITUDE IS A CHOICE. I could choose to be grumpy, or choose to be happy. But I was so grumpy that I was having a hard time finding even a hint of “happy” in my mind. I was stuck.

Then Indy stopped by to say hello. He looked up at me with that funny, fuzzy face and grinned. One look at his big, smiling mug, and I suddenly found that little tickle of happiness swell in my mind. I thought of all the times we’d played chase and the way he’d laugh with his funny dog laugh as we raced around my turnout. I remembered watching him jump sideways when he spotted the little alligator in the grass and the joyful way he splashed in the pond while chasing a ball.

Within minutes I was feeling happy and content. All it took was changing my focus! I concentrated on the thoughts that made me feel good inside, and that good feeling spread to my outside! By the time Jane had me tacked up and ready to ride, I was feeling terrific! It was a great day!

Do you realize that your attitude is a choice? It does take some effort sometimes, but you can change a bad day into a terrific day just by deciding to concentrate on the good stuff! And there is always good stuff if you look for it. If you have trouble finding it, just take a good look into your dog’s sweet face. I’ll bet that tickles the “happy” in you!

Love, Moshi

From Indy:

Chance and I are really good friends. We play catch in the pool together. We keep each other company at horse shows while Rhett is busy videoing and Jane is busy coaching. And we watch each other’s back so alligators can’t sneak up on us in the grass.

Even though we’re good friends, we can be a bit competitive when we play. Rhett and Jane throw the ball in the pool for us all the time, and we race to see who can get it first. Sometimes I win, and sometimes Chance wins.

Jane often talks about competing and winning with her students. She reminds them that it’s not just about the ribbons. The ribbons are terrific, and winning is exciting and fun. But the journey to excellence is even more important than the show results. Jane says riding is a metaphor for how you approach your whole life. It never truly ends. There is no real ultimate goal–just a lot of smaller goals with an amazing trip of discovery in between.

When I took the ball away from Chance, he got a bit upset. I told him it was not just about getting the ball. It was about the fun we have playing together. He replied by stealing the ball back and running away with it. I laughed and laughed, and then went after him to see if I could get it back. Yes, even though he won the wrestle over the ball, I was still having fun. And that’s what counts.

Will you come over and throw the ball for me? I think I’ve worn out Jane and Rhett’s arms!

Love, Indy

Jane Savoie
1174 Hill St ext.
Berlin, VT 05602

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