Shane Sweetnam and Hunters Conlypso II Dash for the Cash in $25,000 Hagyard Lexington Classic
Lexington, Ky. – July 30, 2020 – It was a drizzly morning in the Rolex Stadium as 51 horse and rider pairs made their way around Bobby Murphy’s track for the $25,000 Hagyard Lexington Classic. For the first time in history, the second class of the Hagyard Challenge season tour was adjusted to a 2B format with riders remaining in the ring immediately after their first trip to perform their jump-off track to better fit the Kentucky Summer Classic’s show-and-go protocol. Unaffected by the weather or change in format, it would be Shane Sweetnam and Hunters Conlypso II who would dash for the cash Thursday morning.
Emma Brosius and Aramba Jolie Versace Are Best in USEF Large Pony Medal
Competition at the Kentucky Summer Classic continued Thursday, July 30, featuring another day of top sport at the Kentucky Horse Park. With primarily hunter competition taking place in the Claiborne ring, the USEF Large Pony Medal broke up the hunter judging at the end of the day, highlighting junior talent as they displayed skill and strength in a variety of equitation classes. Besting a competitive field was Emma Brosius and Aramba Jolie Versace, who claimed the top spot in the USEF Large Pony Medal.
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