Our Worst Nightmare…
We have all witnessed some of the most devastating and emotional news coverage of disasters in modern history – impacting not only people but also our horses. Heartbreaking images of horses frantic from the dense smoke of massive raging wildfires filled our screens. As horse lovers and horse protectors, this is our worst nightmare – horses that are terrified, confused, and unable to find their way home.
“With limited funds available, many of our EQUUS Foundation Guardian charities must choose critical essentials like food, farrier care, and vet care over microchipping,” said Lynn Coakley, EQUUS Foundation President. “With your help, we can make sure that these horses will find their way home after disaster strikes and help alleviate the fear felt by the organizations entrusted with their care.”
The EQUUS Foundation is raising $50,000 to microchip 1,000 horses. Just $50* covers the cost of the purchase of one chip and the implantation by a veterinarian. Microchipping is regarded as a humane, ethical, and reliable form of identification. While the United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) now requires all competition horses to be microchipped, less than 20% of the horses at equine charities across the United States are microchipped.
Your donation, in any amount, will support our microchipping effort and protect these majestic animals from harm. The gift horses share with us is immeasurable. Please help keep them safe!
Thanksgiving through Giving Tuesday
November 28 – December 3
All gifts of $2,500 or more are recognized in our Winner’s Circle.
*The price of a chip, plus the veterinary fees, can range from $40-$120, depending on the veterinarian and the cost of the original chip. Inserting a microchip is not an invasive process, and it is very unlikely that a horse will have a reaction.
About EQUUS Foundation: The EQUUS Foundation, a 501(c)(3) public charity established in 2002, also known as Horse Charities of America, the only national animal welfare charity in the United States 100% dedicated to protecting America’s horses and strengthening the bond between people and horses. Donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Contact the EQUUS Foundation, Inc., at 168 Long Lots Road, Westport, CT 06880, Tele: (203) 259-1550, E-Mail: mail@equusfoundation.org, Website: www.equusfoundation.org.