Horse Meat Scandal
We recently wrote about the cruel slaughter of American horses shipped overseas for human consumption. We also wrote about the serious threat to the U.S. food supply if the growing scandal in Europe of horse meat found in “beef” products spreads to America.
Grocery store and restaurant chains in Europe were found to be selling frozen “beef” products made of horse meat — and testing showed hundreds of beef products contained traces of horse DNA. Fortunately, new legislation has been introduced in the U.S. to protect consumers from toxic horse meat and end the cruel slaughter of American horses as well as their export for slaughter overseas. We’re working hard to pass the Safeguard American Food Exports (SAFE) Act and other animal protection legislation and we need your help — please donate today.
Your support has never been more important. Will you give $50 or whatever you can afford today to help us pass this crucial legislation, as well as advocate for other important federal and state legislation on behalf of animals?
The threat of dozens of veterinary drugs commonly used to treat horses ending up in the food chain, as well as the lack of any tracking mechanisms when horses are scooped up from random sources and put into the horse slaughter pipeline, is something we must stop. But we need your help to do it.
Now, more than ever, there’s hope to prevent this problem from spreading to the U.S. Your generous donation will allow us to continue advocating for the Safeguard American Food Exports Act and other priority animal protection bills before Congress and the state legislatures. Please donate today to stand with us as we help horses and other animals facing threats from inhumane industries.
Together, we can give horses and other animals the protections they deserve from cruelty and abuse.
Mike Markarian
Humane Society Legislative Fund