Classic Company May – June – July
The Tryon May Classic (May 28-30) will be held next week at Harmond Field. This USEF A-Rated event will be a small show since there are only 144 stalls and we still have stalls available. If you would like stalls please call our office at 843 768 5503.
The Atlanta Summer Classic I, II (June 16-27) – The prize list has been mailed and is also available online. We are not planning on any tents so we only have 690 stalls. Lots of new classes for hunters and jumpers this June.
The Charleston Summer Classic I, II (July 14-24) – The prize list is at the printer and is available online: This will be a fun show this year again and the biggest change is a shorter schedule, jumper classic and the USHJA hunter classic. We do limit the show to 450 so don’t delay on making your reservations.
All of the shows have prize lists online. If you have any questions or want to reserve stalls, call Tissy at our office. 843 768 5503
See you at the rings,
Bob Bell
The Classic Company, Ltd.
Phone/FAX: (843) 768-5503
Post Office Box 1311 Johns Island SC 29457