Charlie Jacobs Jr. and Happy Endings Farm Enjoy Success in the Show Ring and Fun in the Sun
Charlie Jacobs Jr. guides Ranier to the Children’s 14 & Under Hunter Reserve Championship. Photo By: Parker/Russell – The Book LLC.
Wellington, FL – March 13, 2013 – The Children’s 14 & Under Hunter division is extremely competitive, but so are Charlie Jacobs, Jr. and Ranier. During week nine of the Winter Equestrian Festival, the pair topped the large, split classes of top horses and young riders to claim the reserve championship award for Happy Endings Farm.
Jacobs earned two red second place ribbons and a winning blue over the courses in Ring Seven, tallying enough points to earn him the tricolor award. In the Large Children’s Hunter Pony division, it was Maggie Robinson’s turn to shine. Robinson competed aboard Taschereau and Shenendoah Oasis, both owned by K. J. Robinson, LLC, earning ribbons on both mounts.
When not delivering impressive rounds in the show ring, Jacobs, Robinson and their Happy Endings Farm barnmates enjoy time in the saddle away from the ring. This weekend Happy Endings’ youthful riders took to the trails for a gorgeous afternoon trail ride. At the end of the trail, the children were rewarded with ice cream sundaes to celebrate the week, and a fantastic season so far. The following day it was off to Grand Champions Polo Club in Wellington, FL, for a Sunday polo lesson where the boys had a blast swinging their mallets and cantering the polo ponies.
“My approach to training involves building a relationship between the riders and their horses/ponies that is built upon trust and appreciation,” Smith-Faver stated. “I try to incorporate all kinds of activities within our program that do not involve horse show competition.”
Smith-Faver continued, “I don’t think any child or adult should be significantly influenced by one judge’s opinion, on one particular day, at any given horse show concerning their round. Although we are having a very successful WEF this year I think both the kids and adults should remember why they are doing this in the first place — it is supposed to be fun!”
Happy Endings Farm will show at the Winter Equestrian Festival throughout the 12-week series, and then will travel north for the summer shows. To stay up to date with Linda Smith-Faver and Happy Endings Farm, follow them on Facebook at You can also visit their Web site at
Kendall Bierer for Phelps Media Group, Inc. International
Media Contact: Mason Phelps
Phelps Media Group, Inc. International
phone 561.753.3389 fax 561.753.3386