Catherine Tyree and BEC Lorenzo Land a Victory in the $25,000 Osphos Grand Prix
Catherine Tyree and BEC Lorenzo. ©Anne Gittins Photography.
Wellington, FL – November 2, 2020 – Catherine Tyree of Chicago, IL and BEC Lorenzo closed out the ESP Fall Finale on Sunday, November 1, with a win in the feature class, the $25,000 Osphos Grand Prix.
Course designer, Hector Loyola, set the track for a total of 26 competitors, with only four pairs returning for the second round. Tyree and BEC Lorenzo, owned by Catherine Tyree LLC, flew through the jump-off in 43.117 seconds to claim the win and were one of only two duos to clear the jump-off.
“I have such a naturally quick horse, and we’ve done a lot of jump-offs together, so I knew I could trust his big stride and call on him a bit,” Tyree said of her 10-year-old Irish Sport Horse gelding (Livello x Guidam). “The best thing about him is that he’s so eager to do a good job. Going to the combination, I saw my distance and zeroed in on it. On a less experienced horse, I maybe would have stayed out for another stride, but he was right there with me.”
Completing another clear round in 44.524 seconds for second place were Jenna Friedman of Morriston, FL and Shai Tertner’s Tycoon D’Argences. Heather Williams of Saugerties, NY and Marie VD Mespel Z, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Caristo, were third with a time of 47.325 seconds and four faults.
“So far, so good,” Tyree noted of her first appearance in the Grand Prix ring after a minor injury that kept her from competing for six weeks. She concluded, “It feels nice to be back, and Lorenzo felt great and was fresh and excited. We’re ready to get things going!”
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