Motivation from Moshi 62, by Jane Savoie

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Today is the day! Right now, this moment, is the point where you can change everything you’d like to change. Right now! You have the ability, you have the power, you just have to make the decision.

What would you like to do/be/experience? Are you ready to commit? If so, now is the time! You can do it! Just set the goal and then plan the steps you need to take to get there. If you don’t know the steps, find a mentor who can help you. Find someone who’s where you want to be, and ask them to help you make a plan. Then, one step at a time, follow the plan.

Horses live in the moment. We don’t really plan ahead. Living NOW gives us an advantage in that we don’t carry a lot of grudges or baggage. Sure, we can get programmed to respond with fear at something that’s hurt or scared us in the past, but we don’t wallow in the memory. We just react. Because of this, we can be re-programmed to react in a different way. Humans can do this too! But, with people it takes a conscious decision to let go of the past and move on to a new way of being.

You can’t move forward if you cling to the past. It’s like the old saying, “If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got.” You have to let go of where you are, to get where you’d rather be.

Are you willing to let go of the pains and fears of the past? What would you lose if you did so? What would you gain? Would people see you the same way? Would you have to give up a certain identity? Would you get the same kind of attention you enjoy now? Is it worth it to you to make the change?

This life is yours. YOU get to choose. Choose wisely.

Love, Moshi

From Indy:

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I love to sleep in the sun. There is something delicious about the gentle warmth on my fluffy coat. It’s like being lovingly hugged by Nature. I get drowsy just thinking about it.

There is a time for resting, a time for playing, and a time for working. The life of a companion dog has a pretty appealing balance of all three. I’ve noticed that people don’t have that kind of balance built into their daily lives. They have to plan balance, or most people end up working all the time.

One of my jobs is to remind Jane and Rhett to take a break. Playing with me gives them a physically active break, and watching me bask in the warm sun reminds them to slow down and rest now and then. Of course, I have to get their attention directed away from their work, but that’s MY work. If I have to, I’ll march into their office and create enough of a ruckus to force them to stop what they’re doing and take me for a walk, or go outside and throw the ball. I know the interruption might frustrate them a little, but I also know that taking a break is every bit as important as the focused work.

Are you focused on your job? Do you have the opportunity to take a break? When you do, go do something physical. If you’re in an office, go for a walk outside, or at least up and down the hallway. If you’re lucky enough to work out of your house, and you have a dog, perhaps it’s time to go for a walk! It will do your body and your mind good.

Finding balance can be difficult. But if you give the concept a little bit of your attention, you might find that you can improve your mental and physical health in ways that will make a big difference for your overall well-being.

I hear Jane typing away in the office. It’s been too long since she took a break! I’m going to take her my tennis ball and ask her to stop what she’s doing, follow me to the back yard to throw it for me. I’ll just have to pester her until she agrees. After all, that’s my job! And I take my job seriously.

Love, Indy

Jane Savoie
1174 Hill St ext.
Berlin, VT 05602

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