Tryon Fall Classic and Other Classic Co. Updates
Just some updates and reminders. The 21st Annual Tryon Fall Classic is three weeks away at Harmond Field, Sept. 23-25. The highlight of the show will again be the Tri State Age Group Equitation Finals. The top ten riders from the NCHJA, SCHJA and GHJA in 11 and Under, 12-14 and 15-17 will compete for a silver trophy for each age group. A list of qualified riders is on our website home page at and invitations have been mailed. If you think you have qualified and are not on the list, please call Tissy at our home office. By moving the show from FENCE, we have reduced the costs of production and we have lowered the stall and entry fees from last year. We have also added several opportunity classes that do not require membership to either USEF or USHJA to compete. For those of you who have not competed at Harmond Field, you will be very impressed by the stabling and footing in the show rings. Carol and I are looking forward to seeing you at our annual event. Please call our office for reservations: 843 768 5503.
The Atlanta Fall Classic I & II, Nov. 9-20, will have many new classes this year along with the annual finals for NCE and NHJL. Qualified riders for NCE will be posted soon on our website.
We are well into the planning for the winter shows: Jacksonville Jan. 11-29, Pensacola Jan. 11-29. Both circuits will offer USEF AA rated hunters and $25,000 Grand Prix classes each week. More details on both will be available soon.
See you at the rings,
Bob Bell
The Classic Company, Ltd.
Phone/FAX: (843) 768-5503
Post Office Box 1311 Johns Island SC 29457