At their current population numbers, private livestock outgraze wild horses 60 to 40 in the Confusion Herd Management Area (HMA) of western Utah. Of course, according to BLM, this means there are too many horses. As we know, the agency prioritizes livestock use ahead of our federally protected wild horses.
The BLM is proposing to round up nearly 90% of the Confusion HMA wild horses. They plan to sterilize (killing the WILD in wild horses) up to half of the 70 horses (mares & stallions) they plan to leave on the range.
Could it get any worse? Yep!
They plan to use the outdated and barbaric ovariectomy via colpotomy on the Confusion mares. This is an archaic procedure whereby a vet forces his arm up through the mare’s vulva and rips out her ovaries with a chain device that was used back in the 1800s (chain ecraseur).
This horror MUST STOP.
WE are the horses only voice. Please join us and raise your voice against this cruelty.
The Cloud Foundation