Pryor Environmental Assessment Released: Land Use Planning Protest Period Open

Pryor Environmental Assessment Released: Land Use Planning Protest Period Open

Photo: Electra forages near the top of the PMWHR. The Billings, MT BLM Field Office has opened the proposed land use plan (LUP) amendment for 30-day public protest to all members of the public who commented on the Pryor RMP (2022) and EA (2023). The protest period closes on December 16, 2024. Though the entire…

Oppose BLM’s Plan for Wild Horses in Nevada’s Pancake Complex

Oppose BLM’s Plan for Wild Horses in Nevada’s Pancake Complex

In July 2024, we called on you to speak out against the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Management Evaluation Report for the Pancake Complex in Eastern Nevada. The report outlined several troubling management proposals, including the castration of 138 stallions to create a “non-reproducing” component of the herd. Together, with your support, we strongly opposed…

1,000 Burros Need Your Help: An Opportunity That Only Comes Up Every 20-30 Years

1,000 Burros Need Your Help: An Opportunity That Only Comes Up Every 20-30 Years

Photo credit: Ginger Kathrens. Every 20-30 years the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is supposed to create a long-term management plan for wild horse and burro herds, called a Herd Management Area Plan (HMAP). These HMAPs outline management actions that will be carried out over the coming years; they can include what is prohibited and…

Tell BLM: NO to Helicopters, Roping, and Eliminating Burros from Tassi-Gold Butte in AZ

Tell BLM: NO to Helicopters, Roping, and Eliminating Burros from Tassi-Gold Butte in AZ

Photo credit: Ginger Kathrens. Wild burros in the USA are facing a genetic health crisis due to the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM’s) mismanagement that keeps herd numbers low and too often zeros them out entirely. This is the case for the Tassi-Gold Butte burros. We will not be silent when BLM tells us that…

Update on Cloud Foundation Lawsuit to Get Cameras on Helicopters

Update on Cloud Foundation Lawsuit to Get Cameras on Helicopters

We wanted to share some GOOD news regarding The Cloud Foundation’s lawsuit to get cameras on helicopters at roundups. As you may know, public observers attending roundups are only able to see a small portion of the operation (and that is dependent on the government providing adequate observation areas — which is not usually the…

Comment on Long-Term Management Plan for Wild Horses in Nevada’s Pancake Complex

Comment on Long-Term Management Plan for Wild Horses in Nevada’s Pancake Complex

Please take quick action below to participate in the Bureau of Land Management’s long-term Herd Management Area Plan (HMAP) for the Pancake Complex, which spans more than 1 million acres or 1,680 square miles in eastern Nevada. The Complex is home to an estimated 1,400 wild horses and includes three Herd Management Areas and one…

Honor the Spirit of America: Call for Freedom by Opposing Massive Extermination of Wild Horses in WY

Honor the Spirit of America: Call for Freedom by Opposing Massive Extermination of Wild Horses in WY

The Bureau of Land Management is asking for public input on its Massive Extermination Plan for the wild horses in southern Wyoming. This is a direct assault – to permanently get rid of, or zero out, all wild horses to accommodate the Rock Springs Grazing Association’s private livestock on our public lands. HMAs affected include…

Wyoming’s Wild Horses Are under Attack: Stop BLM’s Wild Horse Extermination Plan

Wyoming’s Wild Horses Are under Attack: Stop BLM’s Wild Horse Extermination Plan

As we start a fresh new year, BLM Wyoming is finalizing its disastrous plan to further destroy wild horse herds in the southern portion of the state. 10 years in the making, this plan includes eliminating all wild horses in the Salt Wells Creek and Divide Basin Herd Management Areas (HMAs) and sterilizing all horses…

BLM Proposes Massive Burro Roundup + New Cattle Grazing

BLM Proposes Massive Burro Roundup + New Cattle Grazing

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is proposing a MASSIVE roundup of burros in Arizona’s Three River Complex, which includes the Alamo, Big Sandy, and Havasu Herd Management Areas (HMAs). BLM plans to round up 1,794 of the estimated 2,259 burros living in the area, leaving behind just 465 burros. Livestock grazing in the Big…

Idaho’s Few Remaining Wild Horses Are under Attack

Idaho’s Few Remaining Wild Horses Are under Attack

A curious Sands Basin HMA stallion watches our friends from Save Our Wild Horses. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Idaho (Owyhee Field Office) plans to reduce wild horse numbers in the Black Mountain, Hardtrigger, and Sands Basin Herd Management Areas to low numbers of just 30 horses in the Black Mountain HMA, 33 horses…