July 12-14, 2012
Lexington, Kentucky
Do any of these fit your description?
- You ride on trails
- You think equestrian trails can help develop your community’s economy
- You believe in the value of outdoor equestrian activities for our kids
- You believe in being stewards of our natural resources
- You’d like to meet trail advocates in other states
- You’d like to understand federal land management policies
- You believe being involved with horses in nature is a special activity that must be protected
If any of these descriptions fit you, then you will want to attend the Southeastern Equestrian Trails Conference on July 12-14, 2012 in Lexington, Kentucky.
This special conference is being held for the first time in Kentucky after 13 years in other Southeast states. It is different from most other equine trail conferences in its focus on natural resource education, conservation, and land manager relationships.
Speakers are coming from around the country to present at this conference. You should not miss it!
CLICK HERE for a flyer which you can print for friends or colleagues.
To view the detailed agenda, conference pricing and online registration procedures, go to www.southeasternequestriantrails.com.
We hope to see you there!
About the Kentucky Horse Council
The Kentucky Horse Council works to support trails and trail user groups through education, financial support, work with legislators and government agencies, developing leadership skills within the trails community, and organizing the trail community to speak as one voice on critical issues.
Please support trails by entering your trail events into the calendar at www.kentuckyhorse.org. You must sign up as a user (free) to do this.
Membership in the Kentucky Horse Council provides many benefits, depending on the type of membership you choose. If your club or association is a KHC Association member, then your KHC membership is free. (If your club is not a KHC member, then membership is $20.) In addition, KHC members are eligible to purchase the Individual or Family $1Million Equine Liability policy which covers you if ANY of your horses causes an accident or damage and someone files a lawsuit against you.
Kentucky Horse Council
1500 Bull Lea Road
Lexington, Kentucky 40511