Ray Ainsworth is working as many horses as possible to raise money for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
16th Annual Buck Creek St. Jude Trail Ride – Alamo, Tennessee
Alamo, TN – September 27, 2014 – Acclaimed horseman Ray Ainsworth spends countless weekends working and teaching horses, but this weekend there is something extra special about the work Ainsworth will be doing. For every horse that Ainsworth works with now through Sunday, Sept. 28, a $25 donation will be made to the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
Making that possible is the Buck Creek St. Jude Trail Ride in Alamo, Tennessee. Over the past 15 years, the charity trail ride has raised more than $347,000 for St. Jude, and when Ainsworth was approached about the opportunity to get involved he jumped at the chance.
“I was at the Loretta Lynn’s Trail Ride, and there were people there that I helped with their horses,” Ainsworth explained. “They said something about the St. Jude’s Trail Ride so we got in contact with Kathy [Moore] right away, and she was really excited about it.”
Ainsworth continued, “We’re going to be there for three days, and I’m going to work as many horses as I can before I pass out!”
Ainsworth’s goal is to make the world a better place for horses and their humans through communication. At a young age, he learned the language of horses and developed resistance-free techniques that work to teach young horses and help horses with behavioral issues. Ainsworth teaches horses of all breeds and disciplines and travels the country sharing his knowledge at informative and entertaining events and clinics.
For each horse that Ainsworth works for attendees of the Buck Creek St. Jude Trail Ride, running now through Sunday, he is asking that a $25 donation be given to St. Jude.
Additionally, Ainsworth’s work with one horse in particular will hopefully result in much more than a $25 donation.
“We’ve got several horses here that have never been worked with,” trail ride organizer Kathy Moore said. “We’ve got one that was brought in this morning in the round pen, and she is a beautiful buckskin paint. She is going to be auctioned off at the trail ride. She was donated. She’s never been touched, never been ridden, and he’s going to work with her before the auction. He’s going to work with her and hopefully have a good horse auction.”
Moore continued, “We’ve got several others coming too but this particular one, we really want him to work with her because she is a donation, and we want her to bring lots of good money for St. Jude. She’s a good-looking horse.”
A percentage of all Ainsworth’s product sales during the weekend, including DVDs, t-shirts, sweatshirts, saddle pads, etc., will also be donated to St. Jude.
To find out more about Ray Ainsworth and how he may be able to help you, visit: www.rayainsworth.com.
Click here to learn more about the Buck Creek Trail Ride.
Emily Riden for Phelps Media Group, Inc. International
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