One in Four…

Another Year in the Trenches on Behalf of America’s Wild Herds

As the door closes on 2022, the numbers show that BLM rounded up 1 in every 4 wild horses — they lost their freedom and their families!

This fight has become more critical than ever as our work at The Cloud Foundation grows more challenging each year. We are in an uphill battle with a govt. bureaucracy & outside financial interests and a BLM that has the funds and the power to “interpret” the law at the expense of our wild horses and burros.

But victory is NOT impossible when we work together to constantly remind BLM that their responsibility (according to the 1971 WH&B Act), is to ensure the wild horses & burros are “…protected from capture, branding, harassment, or death…”

We invite you to join Ginger and TCF as we renew our commitment to protecting and preserving America’s wild mustangs and burros.

It’s not too late!  Please consider giving a tax-deductible one-time or monthly recurring donation to support this ongoing work in 2023.

Thank you for fighting with us to protect and preserve wild horse and burro families everywhere.

Happy New Year!
The Cloud Foundation