Motivation from Moshi 57, by Jane Savoie
Some people don’t like gray horses. Some people don’t like chestnut horses. There are even a few that don’t like us shiny black horses. Some like the quiet temperament of a quarter horse over the fiery temperament of an Arabian. Some like the excitement of riding an exuberant Trakehner better than the slower paced energy of the Friesian.
Everyone has an opinion. EVERYONE. Even your dog and your horse. So, if your goal is to please everyone, you’re setting yourself up to be very disappointed. It’s simply not possible. Each of us has a different background, a different set of values, and a different way of looking at the world. We each have our own unique “lens” through which we view and interpret what goes on around us. We all gravitate toward the folks that are more like us than different from us, but even those people you feel the most compatible with will have different perceptions and interpretations of their experiences.
So, what should you do about this? What I do is… nothing. The only work I need to do is internal, on my own acceptance of the fact that everyone is going to see things a bit differently. I generally don’t try to change anyone’s opinion unless they ask. I do my best to just let my friends and family be who they are, and allow myself to be true to who I am. For the most part, I am willing to simply agree to disagree.
Just for today, do yourself a favor and don’t try to convince anyone to see your side of things. Just let it go. Take a deep breath and relax. See what happens.
All is well.
Love, Moshi
From Indy:
I love to ride in the car. Sometimes Rhett will roll the window down just an inch or so I can stick my nose out and smell all the amazing smells we pass. It’s an adventure of the nose!
I don’t always recognize what I’m smelling, but I can get a sense of what passes through my nostrils just from the tang or particular intensity of the odor. Some part of my brain recognizes things as familiar even when my conscious mind is not sure what it is.
I’ve noticed that people do this too, but they don’t seem to realize it. Some might call it a sixth sense. Some call it intuition. I really don’t know what it is, but I do think people perceive more than they realize. The amazing power of your brain gives you answers to questions you didn’t even know you asked.
Do you trust the answers you receive by your own inner self? Do you have that sense of knowing, even when you’re not sure why or how you know? I’ll bet you do. I’ll bet you know when you should hit “send” and when you should hit “delete” on that questionable e-mail you’re about to toss into cyberspace. Ever hit “send” and then wished you’d have listened to your calm inner guidance instead of your angry ego?
Maybe next time you could give that a try. Just for a day, do your best to trust your inner messages. Ask yourself yes and no questions, and notice which answer is stronger or brighter in your mind. Then act according to that answer. See how your day turns out.
I knew I shouldn’t eat that entire rawhide chew stick, but I did it anyway. Now, I have a stomach ache. I wish I had followed my inner message and left it alone. Oh well… tomorrow is another day.
Let’s go to the barn! My inner guidance thinks your horse would really like you to ride today.
Love, Indy
Jane Savoie
1174 Hill St ext.
Berlin, VT 05602