Livestream Timetable Announced for Three Days of Virtual Windsor Autumn Series
Organisers of CHI Royal Windsor Horse Show are excited to announce the packed official programme for the Virtual Windsor Autumn Series 2020 Show!
The Virtual Show takes place via a daily streamed video from 25-27 September, starting at 1pm every day. Available worldwide via Facebook, YouTube, and the Virtual Windsor website, the Show will comprise the judging of the online Showing classes, plus The Omega Equine Pony Club Dressage Home International, The Riding for the Disabled Association Dressage Challenge, supported by Players of People’s Postcode Lottery and Wychanger, and The Omega Equine Equitation Jumping alongside regular Shopping Fixes, Horse Wellness, and an exclusive masterclass from international showjumper William Whitaker.
William Whitaker Brings Top Coaching to a Screen near You
Virtual Windsor teamed up with a loyal and hugely successful Windsor stalwart, William Whitaker, to deliver three fantastic Masterclasses covering a range of exercises which can be adopted by everyone.
The three sessions, which will be aired one per day on the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of Virtual Windsor, cover top tips on everything from walking a course, identifying and adjusting striding and lines, flatwork and polework exercises, and a range of improving exercises to suit different horses.
In the first, William talks viewers through his techniques for riding lines between fences and says, “I didn’t get them right every time, but then explained where I’d gone wrong and did it right. I think that’s good for people to see as they only usually see the end product – the 80 seconds in the ring – and think that’s how it is all the time but it’s not at all!”
For the third Masterclass, William did some gridwork with a seven-year-old who can rush his fences, and adapted some of the exercises for his eight-year-old daughter Bella and her pony, proving that you do not need to be jumping 1m40 to practice. He ended his Masterclasses with some wise words to remember in the lead up to any event be it Virtual or ‘real’: “Build up steadily so your horse knows exactly what’s being asked.”
Livestream Schedule for Autumn Series
With three days of international competition across three disciplines, the Virtual Windsor Autumn Series is gearing up for an exciting weekend.
Commentators Nick Brooks-Ward and Adam Cromarty lead the action, interviewing judges, competitors, and viewers to bring a whole show’s worth of competition online.
Far from ‘competition lite’, the format of the show has thrown entries open to riders around the world, bringing the very best of the best together and pitching professionals and amateurs side by side to find some real world champions.
The first day of the Autumn Series kicks off with a superb round of showing classes, with a judging panel headed by Senior Judge Nigel Hollings, accompanied by Julian White, Mark Broadbent, Anne Leaver, and Patricia Pattinson. Nigel and the team cover a strong international entry from Hunters, Hacks, Riding Horses, Cobs, Private Driving supported by the Carriage Association of America, and the return of the Heavy Horse class by popular demand – guest judged by Steve Gregg, Vice President of the Clydesdale Horse Association of Canada.
One of the highlights of the Friday livestream is The Riding for the Disabled Association Dressage Challenge supported by Players of People’s Postcode Lottery and Wychanger. The video dressage competition, which has been encouraging RDA and para riders to #RideUnstoppable through challenges posed by this difficult year, is won by the rider with the highest percentage score across eleven sections available. Judged by John Robinson, one of only three British para judges qualified to judge at 5* level, the class has been an opportunity for riders to get back to competition – with several entries competing in their first ever dressage test at Virtual Windsor!
- Class 1 ‐ Ridden Hunters (Small & Lightweight). Prize kindly provided by Brass Tacks
- Class 2 ‐ Ridden Hunters (Middleweight & Heavyweight). Prize kindly provided by Latham & Taylor
- Class 3 ‐ Ridden Hacks
- Class 4 ‐ Ridden Riding Horse supported by High Weald Horse Hydro. Prize kindly provided by Mojo Europe
- Class 5 ‐ Ridden Cobs (Lightweight, Heavyweight & Maxi) supported by Horses Inside Out
- Show Horse Championship
- Class 6 ‐ Private Driving supported by The Carriage Association of America
- Class 7 ‐ Heavy Horses & Draught Horses of the World supported by The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, Toronto. Prize kindly supplied by Estribos
- THE RIDING FOR THE DISABLED ASSOCIATION DRESSAGE CHALLENGE supported by players of the People’s Postcode Lottery. Prizes generously provided by Wychanger Equestrian & Country Store
- Shopping Fix: Fashion & Jewellery
- Horse Wellness with High Weald Horse Hydro
- Masterclass Part 1 with William Whitaker
Saturday is a great day for young riders and jumping enthusiasts, with Show Pony, Show Hunter Pony, Plaited Mini Pony, and Working Hunter and Working Hunter Pony classes coming to the fore.
Highlights of Saturday include The Omega Equine Equitation Jumping – an all-new discipline designed with virtual competition in mind, which enables riders to compete in jumping classes from home. Loosely based on Prix Caprilli, entrants film a short test which include three jumps arranged according to a specific stride pattern and then judged on the horse’s way of going and the rider’s skill and technique. The height and style of fence were entirely at the rider’s discretion. Two classes, divided into U16s and Open sections, were hotly contested with entries coming in from Australia, New Zealand, and Thailand.
- Class 9 ‐ The Equisafety Show Pony
- Class 10 ‐ The Equisafety Intermediate
- Class 11 ‐ The Equisafety Show Hunter Pony
- Class 12 ‐ Plaited Mini Pony (Show Pony, Lead Rein, First Ridden, Lead Rein Hunter) Prize kindly provided by Crafty Ponies
- Pony and Intermediate Championship
- Class 14 ‐ Working Hunter & Working Show Horse Supported by Mr and Mrs Swallow Prize kindly provided by Finer Equine
- Class 15 ‐ Working Hunter Pony & M&M Working Hunter Pony Supported by Mr and Mrs Swallow Working Championship
- Shopping Fix: Horse and Rider
- Horse Wellness with Voltaire Design
- Masterclass Part 2 with William Whitaker
The Autumn Series reaches a climax on the Sunday with The Omega Equine Pony Club Home International Dressage. A competition usually held at Royal Windsor Horse Show, this time the event has gone virtual – with a new qualification system which threw open Team places. The riders representing each nation have won their spots through getting a top placing in an initial qualifying round, with the highest scores going on to the team.
The Sunday will also feature the highlight of the showing, as Nigel Hollings and his team judge the Side Saddle, Coloured, and ROR classes, before The Voltaire Design Virtual Windsor Supreme Showing Championships take place. It caps a veritable feast of Showing across three days which would not have been possible without the generosity of our Sponsors and donors.
Show Director, Simon Brooks-Ward, commented: “The organising team has done a tremendous job to put on what we believe will be another spectacular Virtual Show Week building on the excitement and fun of the Virtual Show in May. We hope as many people get involved as possible and continue to enjoy their sport – even if it is from the sofa.”
The free-to-view content will begin at 1pm each day and be available on Facebook, YouTube, and on the Virtual Windsor 2020 website.
- Class 18 ‐ Side Saddle (including Best Costume) Prize kindly provided by Welligogs
- Class 19A ‐ Coloured Ridden (Plaited Horse or Pony) Prize kindly supplied by Country Frog
- Class 19B ‐ Coloured Ridden (Traditional & Native Horse or Pony) Prize kindly supplied by Country Frog
- Class 20A ‐ Coloured In Hand (Traditional & Native Horse or Pony) Prize kindly supplied by Country Frog
- Class 20B ‐ Coloured In Hand (Plaited Horse or Pony) Prize kindly supplied by Country Frog
- Coloured Championship
- Class 22 ‐ The Saracen Horse Feeds RoR Ridden
- Class 23 ‐ The Saracen Horse Feeds RoR In Hand
- RoR Championship
- The Voltaire Design Supreme Championship
- Shopping Fix: Country Lifestyle and Living
- Horse Wellness with Saracen Horse Feeds
- Masterclass Part 3 with William Whitaker
Virtual Windsor Autumn Series 2020 can be found at — the site will be constantly updated and will remain in place throughout the year.
For more information, please contact:
Nicholas Clarke / rEvolution / / +44 (0)7423 799 776