Here’s a Sneak Peek at Our Saving America’s Mustangs’ 2011 Rose Parade Float

Dear Friends & Supporters,
In just 10 short days, our Saving America’s Mustangs’ 2011 Rose Parade float will officially be revealed to over 54 million viewers! We were in Pasadena, CA last week getting a sneak peek at our float that is nearly completed and WOW!
Just wait until you see it! You will not believe how AMAZING it looks!
This is such great exposure for the Wild Ones! To give you a small taste of what it looks like, we want to present to you the never before seen rendering by our float builder (above left). However, after seeing the float in person and seeing the sculpted wild horses, which are LARGER THAN LIFE, we can hardly wait to unveil it to you and millions of others worldwide on New Year’s Day! Please make a point to tune into the Rose Parade on January 1st and give our mustangs the attention they deserve! This is also a great opportunity to see real, GREAT AMERICAN MUSTANGS live!
Six of our very own mustangs will be walking proudly in the 5.5 mile parade, celebrating the Rose Bowl and our American heritage! One million parade goers will be lining the streets to get a glimpse at these beautiful, floral floats. We would love to have you cheer us on and wave to you as we pass by.
Accompanying our float and equestrian unit we will be honoring many great Americans including: wounded veterans, including several from Patriot Paws, as well as our 4 legged heroes from the Military War Dogs Association, and several Native American tribes. Not to mention some of our respected Saving America’s Mustangs Advisory Board Members and a HUGE fireworks display!
The parade is televised live from 8am-10am, but please check your local listings to be sure you don’t miss it. This is the BEST parade and we know you will feel as proud as we do when you see us come down the parade route!
Please note that we are 82 & 83 in the parade lineup.
Also, so many of you have supported us along the way, but on January 1st, you can vote for our float to win Viewers’ Choice! Here is the link to do so: Vote for the 2011 Tournament of Roses Viewers’ Choice Award. We would love to have this honor, because it will give more attention to the mustangs. You can also text “FLOAT 83” to cast your vote on your mobile phone to “50649.” Please keep this information available when voting opens.
- No charge to vote, but message & data rates may apply.
- Vote up to 5 times for your favorite float.
- Voting begins at 8 a.m. PST on January 1, 2011,
- and will end at 2:10 p.m. PST on January 1, 2011.
Also, don’t miss us on RFD-TV on December 29th, where our mustangs will be performing at the 2010 Equestfest!
This event is televised live on RFD-TV, starting at noon. Doors open at 11am.
This is a great event that will showcase how amazing these animals really are! They will perform tricks and choreographed routines! Here is more info about the Equestfest if you would like to attend.
Whether you will be cheering us on from the sidelines on the streets of Pasadena or from the comfort of your own home, we appreciate all your support and encourage you to share this special moment with your family and friends too. We are giving our American mustangs a worldwide voice to over 54 million viewers! Our vision of bringing the mustangs to life on a float is finally a reality and all of YOU, our passionate supporters, have the opportunity to be a part of it!
Warm Regards,
Madeleine Pickens & all the Wild Mustangs
P.S. Our mustangs made National news in The Wall Street Journal!
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Saving America’s Mustangs
2683 Via de la Valle
# G313
Del Mar, California 92014
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