Red Wolf and his mother, Feldspar, graze near the top of the PMWHR.
Comments are due on the Pryor Wild Horse Environmental Assessment (EA) on April 28th. If you haven’t done so, please take a moment to protect the Pryor Mustangs. Feel free to invite friends to do the same.
To comment, just click here. It will take you to the comments page where you may customize any of the suggested comments before submitting.
Speak up now to preserve the well-balanced Pryor range management that has existed for decades. In this EA, BLM wants to take a cookie-cutter approach that would disregard the unique qualities of this special herd. Also, among the proposed alternative plans:
- genetics may no longer be a criterion for management actions
- the already low AML may be further reduced
- alternate fertility controls never before used in the Pryors — that destroy the natural wild behaviors — may be used on our beloved herd
You may reference the EA documents here: EplanningUi (
Please let the Bureau of Land Management know how much this herd means to all of us. Submit your comments on the proposed management plan that will govern the future of these horses for years to come.
We thank you for caring about these magnificent animals and for your support in keeping them WILD and FREE — you are sincerely appreciated.
The Cloud Foundation