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Tell Oil CEO to Protect Wild Horses in Southern Wyoming

If you haven’t yet signed on to our effort to STOP the zeroing out of wild horses in the Wyoming Checkerboard, please sign now.

BLM is pushing a Massive Extermination Plan for wild horses in southern WY to accomodate the Rock Springs Grazing Association’s livestock. RSGA leases grazing land from Anadarko, a subsidiary of Occidental Petroleum.

The Cloud Foundation is calling on Occidental’s CEO to take a stand and protect wild horses on their lands in Wyoming. Take Action Now! Sign the petition if you haven’t already, and please share on your social media pages.

The Cloud Foundation Takes On Pendley’s Wild Horse Agenda

In early October, dozens gathered in Cody, WY despite the looming threat of COVID to attend the Free-Roaming Equid & Ecosystem Sustainability (FREES) Conference. The opening speaker? William Perry Pendley, the BLM’s defunct Acting Director.

Traditionally an anti-wild horse summit attracting livestock and rangeland groups across the West, last year the doors were opened to a more inclusive set of participants – advocates.

We now have a voice at the table. While that voice is often overpowered by anti-wild horse interests, we will NEVER stop speaking up for the animals we fight to protect. The Powell Tribune picked up our commentary on the “summit” – click here to read the story.

The Cloud Foundation

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