BLM Saving Wild Horses? Stopping Roundups with Fertility Control? Where’s the Truth?
Photo: One of the foals in our heritage herd of wild horses, by Michelle Gough
As we’ve all recently witnessed, the increased tempo in roundups being planned and executed is shocking, including for the Little Book Cliffs wild horses, and is way past alarming. And some people are shamefully cashing in, including some so-called wild horse nonprofits who profit by selling the fake solution ‘fertility control’.
As we all now see, the Colorado con that fertility control would stop roundups was just a baloney sandwich!
We produced *this 2 min. video to point out the issue and the solution (*just one selection from our online video learning center with over 250 videos!).
Today, my partner Michelle, who is one of our Board Members and holds a Master’s in Science, wrote this comment to a concerned Colorado wild horse advocate:
“PZP has to be one of the biggest cons perpetuated onto the wild horse advocacy. The BLM has tricked the advocates into believing that if you control populations by using fertility control methods, then the roundups will stop and we’ll all live happily ever after.
Let’s look at what is actually happening here.
When the HSUS applied to the EPA to register PZP, the organization was excited that PZP was so effective at preventing pregnancy in mares that it failed to evaluate whether the forced drugging of horses could negatively impact individual animals or the herd. Most of the research submitted by HSUS was published by the late Dr. Jay Kirkpatrick, a veterinarian who manufactured PZP. There were no studies submitted to the EPA that evaluated the biological, social, and behavioral impacts the drug can have on wild horses
Since EPA originally granted the registration, independent research has been published identifying previously undisclosed effects of PZP on wild horses. Among the findings, it is now known that PZP poses the risk of immediate physical damage to the dosed mares, increases the mortality rate in foals born to treated mares, can result in social disruptions among herds with treated mares that can damage long term herd cohesion that is critical to the health of the animals, and places the wild horses at risk of a genetic bottleneck.
The BLM continues to decrease AMLs for wild horses. The combination of decreasing AMLs with aggressive fertility control will ensure the extinction of America’s wild horses.
The BLM has essentially tricked the advocates by making them an unwitting pawn in the genetic bottleneck and ultimate extinction of wild horses.
Fertility control has not resulted in slowing down the roundups. In fact, more and more horses are getting rounded up with each subsequent year.”
The diverse genetics in the herd owned and managed by Wild Horse Fire Brigade are exemplified by this bachelor band:
More: 9lYJiC7sE
Our American wild horses are in deepest trouble you can imagine.
Long existing Orgs who have had 30 years and millions in donations have accomplished what? What we all see today is what they have ‘accomplished’.
Wild Horse Fire Brigade has the only proven practical plan where all stakeholders benefit, and it also humanely and cost-effectively provides true natural (chemical free) freedom for wild horses.
We ARE fighting the good fight! Look HERE:
So PLEASE take the time to carefully review and consider this message and the links, keeping in mind that it will take money (serious donations) for even our dedicated all-volunteer professional team and its proven plan developed by highly experienced authentic experts in wild horses to effect the change we all seek.
Your Donations MAKE A REAL DIFFERENCE when used by our Org.
We are a team of cutting-edge professionals and innovators, quite apart from the wild horse grifters who are merely in it for the money because they can’t and haven’t made any difference… they don’t have the required authentic experience!
Visit for more information.