2012 International Equine Conference

Chicago (EWA) – Registration is now open for the 2012 International Equine Conference (IEC) to be held at the Riviera Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. The event follows the extremely successful 2011 conference in Alexandria, Virginia last year.

The conference will kick off with a reception at 8PM on the night of September 21st, and continue with two full days of presentations starting on the morning of the 22nd. Thanks to the generosity of sponsors, this year’s conference will include both breakfast and lunch on Saturday and Sunday. Evenings will be free for participants to enjoy the many exciting diversions of Las Vegas.

The program will address all aspects of equine welfare for both domestic and wild equines as well as the impact of horse slaughter on public health and communities. Speakers will include many of the personalities that have been in the news over the past year, as well as some who have been working quietly behind the scenes. “It will be a chance to get the inside story from people who have dedicated their lives to protecting our horses and burros and much of the information will not have been publicly available before,” explains EWA’s John Holland.

As was the case for the 2011 IEC, the speakers will be an eclectic mix of experts and leaders covering topics from equine behavior to legal issues and legislative developments.

The venue is much larger than that of the previous IEC, allowing the expansion of display area. IEC will have double the display space this year for attendees to share and display information about their organizations. Half-tables will be assigned on a first come, first served basis. This is in addition to reserved space for authors to sell and sign their books. Sponsors will receive a full table as well as signage space.

For additional information, visit www.equinewelfarealliance.org and click on the Int’l Equine Conference page.

The Equine Welfare Alliance is a dues-free 501c4, umbrella organization with over 220 member organizations and hundreds of individual members worldwide in 18 countries. The organization focuses its efforts on the welfare of all equines and the preservation of wild equids.



John Holland

Vicki Tobin

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