World Breeding Federation for Sport Horses Signs Memorandum of Understanding with FEI

Lausanne (SUI), 4 September 2015 – The World Breeding Federation for Sport Horses (WBFSH) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the FEI.

The WBFSH represents 70 sport horse studbooks from over 30 countries with the central aim of stimulating horse breeding development worldwide and integrating breeding with horse sport.

The FEI and the WBFSH have agreed to establish the FEI WBFSH Council to further enhance collaboration as part of the new agreement.

“Breeders produce horses that our athletes need, and for that reason the horse breeding industry needs the support of equestrian sport. Our cooperation with the FEI is logical, natural and a necessary link between producers and consumers, which we must nurse and nourish,” said Jan Pedersen, President of the World Breeding Federation for Sport Horses.

The WBFSH, whose patron is HRH Princess Benedikte of Denmark, has cooperated with the FEI on the organisation of the FEI World Breeding Championships for Sport Horses (FWBCYH) in the three Olympic disciplines of Dressage, Jumping and Eventing since 1992.

“Horses are central to our sport, and breeding alongside nurturing plays a fundamental role in creating our next star equine athletes,” explained FEI President Ingmar De Vos.

“The World Breeding Federation for Sport Horses has united the leading sport horse breeding countries and global experts for many years, and we are looking forward to continuing our partnership as equestrian sport grows rapidly around the world.”

MOU overview:

The FEI decided in 2012 to use Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) to better define its relationship with the different stakeholders. The MOUs cover universal issues such as FEI recognition, FEI Rules and Regulations, horse welfare, code of ethics, commitment to democratic processes, consultation, FEI General Assembly, FEI Sports Forum and meetings, governing law, dispute resolution, communication, and implementation. MOUs have already been signed with WHW, organisers and officials. Although recognition by the FEI does not entail voting rights at the FEI General Assembly, the MOUs formalise the relationship with the FEI, giving a voice to organisations working with the FEI in the development of equestrian sport.

World Breeding Federation for Sport Horses (WBFSH):

FEI Media Contacts:

Grania Willis
Director Media Relations
+41 78 750 61 42

Ruth Grundy
Manager Press Relations
+41 78 750 61 45

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