Various Types of Horse Racing

Horse racing is a sport which has jockeys riding the horses over a set of distance for a competition. The sport is considered as one of the most ancient ones. Here the fastest horse or the one which covers most of the distance is considered as the winner. Horse racing traditions are different and vary according to different countries. Every country has its own traditions and norms of horse racing.

As mentioned before horse racing has various types but some of the basic and the most common type include Jump Racing, Flat Racing, Endurance Racing and Harness Racing.

Jump Racing – Such kind of Horse racing is common and popular in Great Britain and Ireland and is also known as the National Hunt Racing. Here the horse along with the jockey has to jump over various types of hurdles. Such a type can be further classified in to hurdling and steeple chasing which are the types or sizes of hurdles. Steeple chasing can be referred to any kind of jump race and is common in United States. When the horses grow older they are able to get through bigger obstacles and go longer distances. For instance, the horses might begin in the National Hunt as a beginner and then it can move on to hurdling after a year of practice or racing. If the horse becomes even more capable it might even progress to steeple chasing.

Endurance Racing – As the name suggests, endurance race tests the actual endurance of the horse and are mostly of long distances. The distance in different races can vary. Some can be up to ten miles while others can be up to one hundred miles. There are also a few races which can be even longer which lasts up to multiple days. Endurance race can be further classified in to non-competitive trail rides, pleasure rides, competitive trail rides, endurance rides and progressive trail rides.

Flat Racing – Flat racing is considered as one of the most common types of racing. Racing tracks for such kind of racing is typically oval in shape and are generally practiced in Great Britain and Ireland. The flat races are run over the distances from 440 yards to two and a half miles. In such races the horses are allocated the same weight to maintain fairness.

Allowance race – Allowance racing is meant for the younger horses and is a non-claiming race. These races are mostly limited to the non-winners and the entries are limited to the ones who have not won, one, two or three stake races.

Handicap races – This is a race where horses with different disabilities are brought together for a race. Such a race can be made fairer by allotting handicaps or specified weights and this depends on their abilities. The horse is declared as handicapped on its official rating and its previous achievements. Horses which have high rates get the top weights and the lower ranked get comparatively lighter weights.

Harness racing – Harness racing is also known as trotting. It is a form of race where the horses compete at a specific pace. Here every horse pulls two-wheeled bodiless cart which is called as ‘sulky’ on which the jockey sits.

Turf racing – Such races are flat races which are run on the grass surface. The turf race in Britain begins during early spring season and runs throughout summer and autumn. Some of the most common courses in turf races include new market, Ascot and Epsom Downs.

Different races use different breeds of horses over different obstacles, distances and tract surfaces. Some races are purely for sport purpose but there are also races where gambling is associated.

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