USEF Names Search Committee to Find Technical Advisor/Chef d’Equipe for U.S. Dressage Team

Lexington, KY – The United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) has taken the initial steps in hiring the next Technical Advisor/Chef d’Equipe for the U.S. Dressage Team. A six member Search Committee, approved by USEF CEO John Long, has been formed to assist in the hiring process.

The Search Committee is composed of:

Eric Straus, Chairman
Janet Foy
Catherine Haddad-Staller
Susan Dutta
Anne Kursinski
David O’Connor

The first order of business for the Selection Committee will be approving a job description, prior to accepting applications.

For more information regarding the process of hiring the next Technical Advisor/Chef d’Equipe for the U.S. Dressage Team, contact Jenny Van Wieren-Page at (859) 225-6949 or by email

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