USEF Accepting Nominations for Open International At-Large Seat on Board of Directors

Lexington, KY – There is currently a vacant International At-Large Director seat on the United States Equestrian Federation’s Board of Directors.  Nominations for this seat are currently open through January 31, 2012. In order to be eligible for nomination, an individual must have international experience, which means one who demonstrates an understanding of and embraces the critical importance of the Federation’s role in international sport. Please see USEF Bylaw 331 for more information regarding eligibility.

The nominee should include a narrative describing his/her international experience and how their participation on the USEF Board would benefit the organization.

Please send nominations to the USEF offices to the attention of Georgie Green, Chair, USEF Nominating Committee at  The Nominating Committee will meet and select its nominee by February 17, 2012. A special Board Meeting will be noticed for the week of March 19th for the purpose of conducting this election. This meeting will be held telephonically and nominations from the floor will be accepted on the call.

USEF Executive Director Lori Rawls is the staff liaison to the Nominating Committee; please feel free to contact her with any questions at

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