Urgent: Stop Wild Horse Experiments

Your action is urgently needed to prevent the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) plans to conduct cruel and unethical sterilization experiments on wild horses this spring, including painful and life-threatening surgeries on pregnant mares and young fillies in non-sterile environments.

The timing is critical. BLM will publish its Decision Record and Finding of No Significant Impact on the first of these proposed research projects on Friday April 22, which ironically happens to be Earth Day. The agency will use what it calls “population suppression research” as a model for sterilizing wild horses and burros in corrals and on the range going forward.

The first sterilization experiments are slated to occur in partnership with Oregon State University. Unless halted, experiments will begin in May. 225 mares and young fillies, some barely over 8 month old, are already being held at BLM’s short-term holding corral in Hines, Oregon. The surgeries will be overseen by the University’s Veterinary School.

If we all act immediately, there is a fair chance of persuading Oregon State University to back out of participation in these barbaric procedures. Just days ago, the University’s Vice President for Community Relations, Steve Clark, stated that the University has “not determined whether we will proceed with this research.” This week, the University’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee will decide whether to go ahead or not.

Click here to take action.

By Lisa Levinson

In Defense of Animals
3010 Kerner, San Rafael, CA 94901
Tel. (415) 448-0048 Fax (415) 454-1031

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