Unwanted Horse Coalition Media Roundup

July 30, 2010 – Edition 11 – This Unwanted Horse Coalition news summary is provided as an educational service to those interested in the issue of the unwanted horse. The articles do not reflect the opinions of the Unwanted Horse Coalition or any of its employees. The listing of events does not constitute an endorsement of a particular event. If you see an article or event that may be appropriate for inclusion in Media Roundup, please e-mail it to ecaslin@horsecouncil.org.

1,600 Unwanted Horses Receive Spring Vaccinations
This spring the Unwanted Horse Veterinary Relief Campaign (UHVRC) vaccinated 1,600 unwanted horses against critical equine diseases. Established in December 2008, UHVRC provides qualifying equine rescue and retirement facilities with complimentary equine vaccines for horses in their care. To date, more than 4,000 horses across the United States have received vaccines through the program.
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Horse Rescue Farm Gets Help from Inmates
Even as she toiled at a Woodbine farm Thursday in the relentless heat and humidity, Paula Jordan said she and three other female inmates were grateful to the owners for allowing them “a little taste of freedom.” Jordan, a 41-year-old Baltimore resident convicted of second-degree assault, is a member of a newly formed crew dispatched from the Maryland Correctional Institution for Women to pitch in twice a week with maintenance on the 58 acres of rolling pasture at Days End Farm Horse Rescue.
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Horse Rescue Organization See Increase in Abandonments
Nadine Hoy has been taking “the worst of the worst” horse cases for the Klamath Humane Society at a rate of 2 or 3 horses a year for the past two decades, but over the past two years, the number of horses brought to her doorstep has skyrocketed.
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A Void for Horse Rescue in Florida Is Filled
It’s people like Barbi Moline that are the true saviors of the Thoroughbred world and what it represents. Moline was recently named the winner of this year’s Dogwood Dominion Award, which celebrates the “unsung heroes of the racing industry,” and will be recognized for her efforts in spearheading a plan to fund Pure Thoughts Horse Rescue in South Florida.
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Rescued Horse Strides Down Homestretch
As the other thoroughbreds broke from the gate, dark bay Buck awkwardly started his first race with a jittery hop and wobble that left him running last among the 11 horses. That the gelding’s thundering strides down the homestretch rallied him to a fourth-place finish may not have been the most remarkable thing that day last September at Arlington Park in suburban Chicago.
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Finding a Future for Horses after Racing Ends
Like a proud uncle, Dr. Richard Bowman can recite the latest accomplishments of the equine boarders who spent time on his North Dakota ranch. One is beginning a career in law enforcement. Another won an event at her very first horse show, after only a few weeks of training. And the one who broke both front ankles, who nearly died right there on the Canterbury Park track, has teamed up with a child to compete in rodeos.
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The mission of the Unwanted Horse Coalition is to reduce the number of unwanted horses and to improve their welfare through education and the efforts of organizations committed to the health, safety, and responsible care and disposition of these horses.

Unwanted Horse Coalition
1616 H Street, NW • 7th Floor • Washington, DC 20006 • 202-296-4031

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