Top Equestrian Leaders to Participate at Canadian Women’s Horse Industry Conference, March 4-5, 2011 in Toronto

The WHIA Global headquarters has announced that top equestrian leaders are signing up to participate at the WHIA Canadian conference as speakers. The conference will be held March 4-5, 2011 in Toronto at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. Equine Wellness Magazine is the Platinum Media Sponsor and will assist in the marketing and promoting of the event.

Participating on the panel entitled “THE BUSINESS OF HORSES” on March 4, 2011 is Melissa Monardo. Monardo is the Marketing Manager for the Ontario Equestrian Federation. On a horse since age four, she has enjoyed many competitive successes in the hunter/jumper rings. She earned an Honours degree in Communications at the University of Ottawa and upon graduation became the Marketing Manager at the Ontario Equestrian Federation (OEF). As Marketing Manager, Melissa helped to create a marketing department from the ground up. And, has been instrumental in developing and maintaining corporate partnerships; creating and implementing marketing campaigns; and publishing one of the most widely circulated equine publications in Ontario. Melissa is also an active volunteer, most recently working on the Take the Podium committee that raised funds in support of the Canadian Dressage team that competed at the 2010 World Equestrian Games.

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