Tip of the Week – What Are Our Options for Waste Management?

The early industrial age of America was an exhilarating and awe inspiring time.  However we gained much from the era.  Yet to this day we struggle with the environmental ramifications of industrial waste and contamination.

Is it really possible to wrap our minds around a contamination or waste figure in reference to the earth?  Is the truth to this question even available?  Let your thoughts consider these current industries:  Industrial & Municipal Wastewater, Petrochemical, Oil, Gas, Food Processing, Paper, Beverage & Bottling, Manufacturing, Agriculture Insecticides & Pesticides etc.

We have got to find alternative means to clean up; encompassing the day-to-day wear and tear on the environment, let alone the massive spills that have destroyed multiple ecosystems.  With this in mind, does it make sense to create another provision to eliminate the waste and contamination, yet to yield more?  In the year 2000, a three-year United Nations funded study concluded that bacterial and enzymes were the most effective biological formulas to improve water quality and reduce solid waste.

Can it be said that an answer is possible utilizing natural methods that won’t continue to destroy what must not be lost?  Studying the power of bacteria and enzymes may indeed provide us the means to a good start.  Bio Pure Products, Inc. would like to help us seize this opportunity.

This tip was brought to you by Kendra Helfter and KAM Animal Services, home of KAM’s “Equine Learning Circle” FREE webinars, which take place monthly.  These webinars are an expansion of KAM’s weekly tips.  Go to www.kamanimalservices.com to sign up for the next webinar and the weekly tips.

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