The Gift of Time! EQUUS Foundation Announces Its CHAMPIONS Program

WESTPORT, CT – January 1, 2012 – The EQUUS Foundation is pleased to announce the launch of its CHAMPIONS program – an incentive-based equine service volunteer program to recognize and reward individuals and organizations on the carrots4acause network.

To become a CHAMPION, an individual must volunteer for an organization or organizations on the carrots4acuse network and log at least 24 volunteer hours from January 1st to December 31st. The volunteer hours will be verified by the organization and The EQUUS Foundation.

carrots4acause is a free way for individuals to align their passion for horses with real needs and for organizations to access those individuals who may be able to help them with their volunteer requirements and wish-list items of needed products and services.

Why the name, carrots4acause? All horses love carrots, and the carrot is a universal symbol of enticement and reward.

Win a Champion Grant!
Champions will be eligible for a drawing where the winner may select a charity on the carrots4acause network to receive an EQUUS Foundation grant. A minimum of $5,000 in one or more grants will be awarded. The drawing will be conducted on or before May 1st in the year following the close of the awards period.

Win a Champion Scholarship!
Champions who are in high school, college or graduate school with a 3.0 GPA or higher will be eligible to apply for Champion scholarships. Eligible educational institutions include colleges, universities, trade schools or vocational schools. A minimum of five $1,000 scholarships will be awarded.

“Time is a priceless gift,” said Lynn Coakley, President of The EQUUS Foundation. “It’s not always easy to find the time to volunteer with all of life’s demands, but it is something that everyone can give. Time is precious. That’s why we think it is important to recognize and reward individuals for the gift of their time.”

Sign up at

About The EQUUS Foundation, Inc. The EQUUS Foundation, Inc., established in August 2002, as a 501(c)(3) national charitable foundation, is dedicated to improving the quality of life of horses, fostering the use of horses to enrich the lives of those in need, and educating the public about the horse’s unique ability to empower, teach and heal.

Thanks to the generosity of its donors, The EQUUS Foundation helps thousands of people and horses each year. Donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Contact The EQUUS Foundation, Inc., at 168 Long Lots Road, Westport, CT 06880, Tele: (203) 259-1550, E-Mail:, Website:

Media Contact: Mason Phelps
Phelps Media Group, Inc. International
phone 561.753.3389  fax 561.753.3386

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