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Charles Jacob and Secret Love Return to the Winner’s Circle Thanks to The Sanctuary at PBIEC

Equine Cold Saltwater Spa Helps Horse Recover Wellington, FL (May 9, 2011) – Charles Jacob and his 16.1 Belgian warmblood, Secret Love, recently won a High Amateur/Owner Jumper class and jumped clean in a Grand Prix, a remarkable feat considering Secret Love was sidelined with an injury last year. Thanks to treatments in the Cold…

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Hunter Champion Scott Stewart and Blessed Win The Sanctuary High Performance Working Hunter Division At WEF

Wellington, FL (March 2, 2011) – Scott Stewart is a well-known winner on the hunter circuit, and the veteran hunter rider proved he could take a new horse and ride it into the winner’s circle when he piloted Blessed to The Sanctuary High Performance Working Hunter Division during the seventh week of the 2011 FTI…

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Champions Elizabeth Towell Boyd and Louise Serio: The Sanctuary Honors Duo of High Performance Working Hunter Champions during Fifth and Sixth Weeks of WEF

Wellington, FL (February 24, 2011) – The Sanctuary at PBIEC, the new world-class full horse therapy and conditioning center located on the Winter Equestrian Festival show grounds, honored two High Performance Working Hunter champions during the fifth and sixth weeks of the 2011 FTI Winter Equestrian Festival. Elizabeth Towell Boyd and Brunello rode away as…