Kieffer Finishes Fourth in Military Boekelo-Enschede CCIO3*

Kieffer Finishes Fourth in Military Boekelo-Enschede CCIO3*

Lauren Kieffer and Meadowbrook’s Scarlett (Libby Law Photography) Boekelo, The Netherlands – The U.S. contingent had a respectable performance in the solid international field of 97 combinations in the Military Boekelo-Enschede CCIO3*. Land Rover/USEF Eventing Competition Grant recipient Lauren Kieffer and Meadowbrook’s Scarlett led the way as the top U.S. pair in fourth place. Kieffer…

US Eventing Earns Silver Medal, Brown Finishes Sixth at Military Boekelo-Enschede CCIO3*
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US Eventing Earns Silver Medal, Brown Finishes Sixth at Military Boekelo-Enschede CCIO3*

Matt Brown and Super Socks BCF (Libby Law Photography) Boekelo, The Netherlands – The Land Rover U.S. Eventing Team had fantastic performances at the Military Boekelo-Enschede CCIO3* as they competed against 10 countries in the Nations Cup competition. The determined efforts of Matt Brown and Super Socks BCF, Buck Davidson and Copper Beach, Elisabeth Halliday-Sharp…

USEF Names Land Rover U.S. Eventing Team for Military Boekelo-Enschede CCIO3*

USEF Names Land Rover U.S. Eventing Team for Military Boekelo-Enschede CCIO3*

Lexington, Ky. – The United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) has named the Land Rover U.S. Eventing Team and Alternates for the Military Boekelo-Enschede CCIO3*, October 8-11 in Boekelo, The Netherlands. The following athlete-and-horse combinations will compose the Land Rover U.S. Eventing Team (in alphabetical order): Matt Brown (Petaluma, Calif.) and Blossom Creek Foundation’s Super Socks…

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Land Rover U.S. Eventing Team Jumps Two Places and Finishes Sixth at Boekelo

Boekelo, The Netherlands – Every member of the Land Rover U.S. Eventing Team that entered the show jumping arena at the Military Boekelo CCIO3* Sunday leapt up the leaderboard and helped the U.S. team improve to 6th place in the final Nations Cup standings. Leading the way for the Americans were Jonathan Holling and Downtown…

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After Cross Country at Boekelo, Land Rover U.S. Eventing Team Remains in Eighth Place

Boekelo, The Netherlands – They had some adverse conditions to deal with Saturday, but the members of the Land Rover U.S. Eventing Team were able to maintain their place in the standings after navigating a soggy cross country course at the Military Boekelo CCIO3*. Leading the Nations Cup team were Jennie Brannigan and Nina Gardner’s…

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Land Rover U.S. Eventing Team in Eighth at Military Boekelo CCIO3* Following Dressage

Boekelo, The Netherlands – The Land Rover U.S. Eventing Team stands eighth in FEI Nations Cup competition as they head into Saturday’s cross country at the Military Boekelo CCIO3*. The final two members of the Nations Cup team, Jennie Brannigan and Jon Holling, performed their dressage today in front of the Ground Jury of Sue…

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Montgomery Leads Land Rover U.S. Eventing on First Day of Dressage at the Military Boekelo CCIO3*

Boekelo, The Netherlands – The United States sent two Land Rover Competition and Training Grant recipients down the centerline Thursday at the Military Boekelo CCIO3* in front of the Ground Jury composed of Sue Stewart, Eric Lieby, and Helen Christie. Leading the U.S. effort in FEI Nations Cup Eventing competition are Clark Montgomery and Loughan…

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Land Rover Competition and Training Grant Recipients Ready for FEI Nations Cup Eventing Competition at Military Boekelo-Enschede CCIO3*

Lexington, KY – A strong contingent of U.S. horses and riders are set to compete in FEI Nations Cup Eventing competition this weekend at the Military Boekelo-Enschede CCIO3*, October 11-14. The team of Jennie Brannigan, Phillip Dutton, Jon Holling and Clark Montgomery are competing at the premiere Dutch competition as part of the Land Rover…