Step by Step Foundation Partners with Non-Profit Heroes N Horses to Help Raise Funds to Care for the Florida Charity’s Amazing Animals

Donations will go to buy feed, hay & bedding for the horses & ponies at the Marion & South Florida equestrian non-profit
(October 26 through December 6, 2012)

October 25, 2012 – Palm Beach County/Marion County, FL – Liliane Stransky, President and Founder of Step by Step Foundation, has partnered with Horses N Heroes to help raise funds for feed, bedding and other much needed supplies for the amazing ponies and horses at the Florida based children’s charity. Step by Step’s flexible funding campaign, which runs through December 6, 2012, will raise funds to help pay for the care of the animals in Citra in Marion County and also in Wellington in Palm Beach County, Florida.

“I have a great team of riders who champion Step by Step’s efforts on behalf of others. They know first-hand the joy horses bring to others and they are working hard to help the horses and ponies that make the Heroes N Horses program possible.  If something drastic is not done, Horses N Horses will have to close,” stated Stransky, who owns the show stable Stransky’s Mission Farm in Wellington, FL.

“Many of us in the horse world have found these animals to be a comfort at different stages in our lives, and an inspiration at other times.  We all share the same passion, and I’m excited that Liliane and her charity are on board to help so we can continue to make this program possible,” said Mindy Nolan-Morrow, Executive Director who founded Horses N Heroes in 1994, which became a 501(c)3 in 1997.

“We created this partnership with Horses N Heroes because they really don’t have any more money to feed and care for their ponies and horses,” explained Stransky.  “This type of program can literally change the lives of underprivileged children.  Horses can really do wonders and we wanted to jump in and help any way we can.  So now donations will go to buy grain, hay, and shavings for the horses and assist with their care.”

Horses n Heroes is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing an equine learning and mentoring experience for young children who come from families with extreme financial constraints. At no charge, these kids are given the opportunity to bond with horses and are taught all aspects of horsemanship including but not limited to riding, grooming, feeding and caring for the donated horses.

What Step by Step Needs for Horses N Heroes & What You Get

Every $15.00 donation, SBS will buy shavings bedding for 1 week for 1 horse
Donor receives Step by Step Foundation Wristband

Every $25.00 donation, SBS will buy 1 bag of food for 1 horse for 1 week
Donor receives 5 Step by Step Foundation Wristbands

Every $120.00 donation, SBS will buy hay for 1 month for 1 horse
Donor receives 5 Step by Step Foundation Wristbands and an inspirational book

The Impact

You will provide 100% of the care for one amazing horse care and also help Horses N Heroes to continue with the program.

Other Ways You Can Help

If you want to help, but cannot help send donations, it’s okay. Please Share this information with community, family, and friends to help these horses and children by clicking on

Step by Step Foundation Inc.
20898 San Simeon Way
Miami, FL 33179

Horses N Heroes – Marion County
12680 North US Highway 441
Citra, FL 32113

Horses N Heroes – South Florida
15920 46th Lane South
Wellington FL 33414

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