Shocking Recommendation to Euthanize Thousands of Animals

By now you have heard that the Wild Horse & Burro Advisory Board to the BLM got together in Elko last week. In these meetings, all attendees but one, Ginger Kathrens, voted to euthanize any unadoptable horses in holding facilities as well as those on public lands. Firstly, with this statement the BLM are admitting to 45,000 Wild Horse and Burros being managed. We all know that number is highly exaggerated.

Second, and more importantly, the BLM Advisory Board state there is no other option but to do this. We demand to ask why Mustang Monument has not been considered or allowed to even try to assist! After spending 25 million dollars jumping through hoops to put in power, fencing, water wells and even an accessible cemented parking spot in the midst of a dirt road, we ask:


Hear what Madeleine Pickens has to say about this in this short video.

Coming to the conclusion to euthanize this large number of animals is only evidence that the BLM cannot manage their own Wild Horse & Burro Program. However, it is also all part of a strategic bigger plan by the BLM. You see the BLM needs and wants more money from the government, or actually the tax payers.  Here is how it works: The BLM budget is not enough. The Advisory Board recommends euthanasia and the public strongly disagrees. BLM then goes back to the government to say: We can’t kill them due to public outcry; we need more money to continue round ups and caring for these animals in holding facilities.

Madeleine speaks about the above cycle of deceit here.

Please spread the word, write and email your representatives, bring the plight of the mustangs and burros to the light and let’s get this fixed.

Thanking you for your ongoing support.

Madeleine Pickens
Saving America’s Mustangs, 2683 Via De La Valle, G 313, Del Mar, CA 92014

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