Seraphim12’s Participation at “Horses on the Hill” Event Assists Ban on Inhumane Horse Slaughter

Lorenzo Borghese from ABC's "The Bachelor" posed with Seraphim12's Manda Kalimian and Children 4 Horses' Declan Gregg during the "Horses on the Hill" event in Washington, D.C. Photo Courtesy of Client

Washington, D.C. – April 27, 2012 – The Seraphim12 Foundation participated in the “Horses on the Hill” event along with celebrities, school children and citizen advocates yesterday, April 25, 2012. Participants joined Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., to sponsor the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act (S. 1176/H.R. 2966), at the Capitol, urging legislators to permanently protect the nation’s horses from inhumane slaughter. The event was co-hosted by the Animal Welfare Institute, the ASPCA (the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), and The Humane Society of the United States.

The event grew tremendously in size over only a few short days leading up to it, with contributors, including actress Bo Derek, Lorenzo Borghese from ABC’s “The Bachelor,” local school children and young equestrians. The bill the participants were supporting would prohibit the inhumane killing of American horses for human consumption in the United States and stop the transport of horses across the border to Canada and Mexico for slaughter. The passage of this critical legislation would end the current export and slaughter of approximately 100,000 American horses each year. With an estimated 80% of the American population opposing horse slaughter, this bill is critical and has the support necessary to make a change.

The Seraphim12 Foundation was thrilled to have the opportunity to bring its own group to the event, as well as partake in the press conference and gain pertinent information about the impending slaughter-issue at hand. The organization was able to make connections with nine-year-old Declan Gregg, founder of Children 4 Horses; John Boyd, president of the National Black Farmers Association; and equine welfare organizations, such as Animals’ Angels and the Gentle Giants Draft Horse Rescue.

“To participate alongside such organizations as the ASPCA, the Humane Society of the United States and Animal Welfare, as well as being in the presence of our representatives and fellow advocates, was a huge step for Seraphim12,” Seraphim12’s Manda Kalimian described. “We have the right to speak for the horses and change their destinies. We are their voices, their guardian angels, and this opportunity for involvement is going to make a definite impact in the progress of this bill, the support is phenomenal.”

In November 2011, Congress chose not to renew a ban on funding federal inspectors at horse slaughter plants in the United States, opening the door for a return of horse slaughter to American soil, despite broad opposition in this country to the practice.

Horse slaughter is inhumane and the methods used to kill horses rarely result in quick, painless deaths, as horses often endure repeated stuns or blows and sometimes remain conscious during their slaughter and dismemberment. The majority of horses killed for human consumption are young, healthy animals that could go on to lead productive lives with loving owners.

The Seraphim12 Foundation is a 501(c)(3) Not-For-Profit dedicated to promoting a sympathetic balance between horses and humans through education and awareness about abuse, neglect and slaughter of America’s horses. Seraphim12 is empowering the people to raise their voices and use their constitutional rights to change the destiny of America’s horses. Through the use of humane education and campaigns to promote national awareness among all people, Seraphim12 is dedicated to give horses a dignified life, retirement and final resting place. Seraphim12 has been instrumental in the rescue of horses, promoting letter campaigns and creating curricula to assist in raising awareness surrounding the equine issues.

For more information about Seraphim12 Foundation please visit: or stay updated on Facebook.

Media Contact: Mason Phelps
Phelps Media Group, Inc. International
phone 561.753.3389  fax 561.753.3386

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