Pryor Scoping Letter Issued

BLM Seeks Another Removal in Cloud’s Herd

Little Lynx. Photos (C) The Cloud Foundation

Dear Friends of Cloud, his family, and herd;
The BLM Billings Field Office mailed a Scoping Letter to interested parties on July 28th, stating their intent to reach an “Appropriate” Management Level (AML) of 90-120 adult wild horses, one year of age and older in the Pryor Mountains. If they carry out this plan 45 to as many as 75 horses would be removed in 2012. We cannot allow this to happen.

Our position is clear — there is absolutely no need for any removals.

It is important that you respond to an action which would threaten the continued existence of the Pryor Wild Horse Herd. Please write a factual letter to the BLM using some of the information provided here. Remember that BLM will not consider your response unless it is clearly your message — no copying of the list supplied here. Please use your own words to communicate your polite outrage at such an unwarranted proposal.

You will note in our list of recommended response topics, the support of PZP, the one-year infertility drug. This comes as a departure for TCF. However, the remotely delivered drug given at the correct time of year has reduced the foal population and it has given us a good argument to fight for no removals. We still strongly believe in the long-range goal of natural management without helicopters or bait traps or drugs. We see PZP as a means to an end, and that end is a hands off strategy in which Mother Nature calls the shots as much as possible.

Please read on and create a powerful message on behalf of Cloud, his family and herd. BLM will not allow emails, so send your letters directly to the BLM (see address below). If you can only send an email, send it to us at and we will copy it and mail these emails to the BLM. The reason for BLM opting out of email is that we crashed their server last time. Well, let’s send enough mail to bury them in recycled paper this time around!

Jasper (Flint's son), Indigo Kid (Electra's son), & another bachelor, He Who, play at the waterhole

Letters need to be postmarked to the BLM by August 30th.

Thanks so much for standing up now to avert a disaster for the herd in 2012.

Happy Trails!

P.S. – If you mail your letters directly to BLM, please consider emailing us a copy for our records. Your comments are important to us and, on more than one occasion, we have used an idea from a supporter comment that never occurred to us. We strongly recommend you ask for a return receipt to your letters.

You can mail your letters to:
Jim Sparks, Field Manager
BLM Billings Field Office
5001 Southgate Drive
Billings, MT 59101

The Cloud Foundation
107 South 7th St
Colorado Springs, CO 80905

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