Phelps Media Group Honored with Business Excellence Award by Wellington Chamber

Wellington, FL – February 24, 2011 – Phelps Media Group, Inc., America’s most progressive and successful equestrian public relations firm, and a Wellington fixture for nearly a decade, has been awarded the Wellington Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Award. The award will be presented at the Chamber luncheon on March 16, 2011 at the Wanderer’s Club.

Launched in 2002 by Olympian Mason Phelps, Jr., Phelps Media Group began service to the equestrian industry with promotion of the National Horse Show, which was moved to Wellington following a one hundred year plus run at Madison Square Garden in the heart of New York City. The PMG promotion of that event drew such record crowds to the show grounds in Wellington, that some were quoted as calling it the “Woodstock of horse shows.”

“It was amazing,” recalled President Mason Phelps. “There were so many people that weekend that we ran out of food, ran out of portable toilets and overwhelmed the roads leading into the equestrian complex. It was like Woodstock,” he laughed. The success of that promotion prompted Phelps to continue the PMG venture for other events. Word spread rapidly throughout the industry about this new company that offered ‘out-of-the-box’ thinking, lightning fast media responses, and proven results. Since that time, Phelps Media Group, Inc. has rapidly accumulated an amazing number of impressive clients in the equestrian world from coast-to-coast and internationally.

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