Nominate a Veterinarian

AQHA members are invited to nominate an equine veterinarian’s selfless service in AAEP’s Good Works Campaign.

Do you know a commendable veterinarian?

More than likely you do. According to a 2009 equine welfare survey by The American Association of Equine Practitioners, 71 percent of its members had donated resources or services to assist the equine community in the past year.

Now there’s an opportunity to recognize these veterinarians. AAEP has invited American Quarter Horse members, owners and organizations to nominate veterinarians for the AAEP Good Works Campaign. This campaign celebrates the “good work” of veterinarians who devote time and expertise beyond the scope of their everyday practice to help horses and the equine community.

Throughout 2011, the AAEP Good Works Campaign will spotlight AAEP-member practitioners whose volunteer efforts are improving the health and welfare of horses. Each month, AAEP will select a veterinarian nominated by a horse owner or organization for special recognition.

Monthly honorees will be considered for the 2011 Good Works Award, to be presented during the 57th Annual Convention in San Antonio. The nomination form is available online.

AAEP defines “good works” as selfless acts of giving back to the horse, for the sake of the horse and people they serve. Examples of “good works” may include:

* Offering free or low-cost vaccinations or veterinary services to a community
* Volunteering services or resources at an equine rescue or retirement facility
* Volunteering services or resources at a horse-related therapy center
* Contributing funds to support an equine-related benevolent program
* Participating in educational programs for youth equine organizations
* Educating clients or horse owners about proper horse health care
* Helping working equids locally or abroad, including projects in third world countries

AAEP members performing “good works” will be featured on the AAEP Good Works webpage, in Equine Veterinary Education, and a bi-monthly e-newsletter, Spur of the Moment. Visit AAEP for more information about the good work of AAEP veterinarians, nominating a veterinarian or finding resources for volunteering in your community.

The AAEP Good Works Campaign is sponsored in part by AAEP Educational Partner, Pfizer Animal Health. Pfizer Animal Health strives to improve horse health by helping to build strong relationships between veterinarians and horse owners and providing a range of products backed by the highest standards of scientific research.

AAEP, headquartered in Lexington, Kentucky, was founded in 1954 as a non-profit organization dedicated to the health and welfare of the horse. AAEP reaches more than 5 million horse owners through its more than 10,000 members worldwide and is actively involved in ethics issues, practice management, research and continuing education in the equine veterinary profession and horse industry. AAEP frequently contributes to AQHA’s Ask an Expert column on America’s Horse Daily.

American Quarter Horse Association

Unwanted Horse Coalition
1616 H Street, NW • 7th Floor • Washington, DC 20006 • 202-296-4031

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