News from the 5th Annual StemTech Convention

Merritt Island, FL (August 11, 2011) – It was a very informative annual convention in sunny Irvine, California this past weekend.  Because of the importance, I will start off with the best news of the entire convention!

REGULATORY SUCCESS!  It finally happened … the FDA came knocking on StemTech’s doors this year via the Electronic Retailer’s Association, and we passed with flying colors!  StemTech’s Products, including our favorite – STEMEQUINE – actually do what they say they do by stimulating the release of the minimum of 3 to 4 million additional adult stem cells from the bone marrow that go out and repair the body.

StemTech products are processed by Vita-Tech, the nutritional manufacturing company founded and pharmaceutically licensed since 1954.  Vita-Tech is known for providing a level of quality and attention to detail that exceeds the requirements of many regulatory agencies, including the FDA.  Every ingredient and step of the production process is validated and verified in Vita-Tech’s on-site laboratories, with historical samples and complete documentation archived for each batch.  Having been to the plant myself, I am very impressed with their extensive operation.  The hairnets we were required to wear while touring the plant were very flattering!

As horse owners, we take care of our horses, making sure they are well-groomed, well-feed and have a nice pasture and stall to call home.  What about you?  Being out in the hot sun all day, driving throughout the state or flying to get from one place to another can cause your skin to bear the brunt of all those free radicals and elements out there.  Now’s the time to take care of you!

This brings us to the next best news at the convention – a new adult stem cell product for skin called DermaStem.  This break-through serum, containing a proprietary blend of dozens of certified organic, organically-grown and wild-harvested ingredients, work both individually and in concert to rejuvenate your skin, while fighting the effects of oxidative stress and other harmful internal and external triggers that cause premature aging of the skin.  DermaStem’s all-natural ingredients provide the ideal environment for the regenerative properties of the adult stem cells, supporting the natural process of skin renewal.  Clinical studies have demonstrated dramatic changes in the three essential elements of youthful-looking skin in just 28 days with 25% fewer wrinkles, 30% more moisture and 10% more elasticity with some reporting 80% in each category.

A blend of 6 cytokines in DermaStem was documented to stimulate migration and proliferation of skin stem cells by more than 225%, supporting the very renewal process of the skin.  A proprietary blend of AFA, Aloe Vera, Fucoidan, Cehami, Cacao and Vanilla was documented to increase the proliferation of skin stem cells by more than 112%.  NO petroleum derivatives, preservatives, or chemicals will ever touch your skin with DermaStem.

Your Health 321, LLC’s flagship product, StemEquine, has been fed to champion Dressage horses, a champion and gold-medal Olympic winning barrel race horse, and numerous other horses with impressive, successful results.  More news will be coming in the late Fall on how StemEquine has helped other horses attain optimum health, naturally.

Your Health 321, LLC teaches and provides all natural health concepts for horses and their owners to live a healthier, more productive lifestyle.  Your Health 321, LLC accomplishes this by providing quality innovative products, services and education to maintain their goal in helping the body heal itself, naturally.

For more information contact:
Linda Rubin
Your Health 321, LLC

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