Motivation from Moshi no. 44, by Jane Savoie

A new pony came to the barn today! He’s a real showy fellow with a big attitude and joyous energy. It feels good having him here. I love being around him.

Did you know that you feel other people’s energy? Everyone does. We can’t help it. So if you’re feeling grouchy, everyone around you will feel it and may become grouchy too. If you’re feeling happy, you can brighten up a room just be being there.

What are you? Are you the light in the room or the grinch who brings everyone down? You can decide. Even if you feel grouchy, you can pretend to feel great, and soon you WILL feel great! You get to choose!

Be a catalyst for happy! All you have to do is make the decision, and then SMILE. “Happy” can’t help but follow.

Love, Moshi

From Indy:

The sun felt so warm on my coat today. It was wonderful. I snoozed in the yard all afternoon so I could enjoy the sunshine.

Sometimes the smallest things can bring us joy, like a pat on the head, or a special treat for breakfast. Jane and Rhett like to sit on the porch and watch the sunset together. It sounds like a little thing, but it’s those tiny moments of joy that make up a joyous, fulfilled life.

Do you pay attention to the things that bring you joy? If you find yourself tired and discouraged, allow yourself to find just one thing in your day that went well. Look for a moment when you were feeling good. It’s there… if you look. Give that your attention, and let go of the rest.

Thoughts are energy. Whatever you think about expands. Give your thoughts to the happy moments in your life, and you’ll attract more happy moments. You can’t help it.

I’m happy all the time! That’s why my life is so happy.

What happened today that made YOU happy?

Love, Indy

Jane Savoie
1174 Hill St ext.
Berlin, VT 05602

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