Motivation from Moshi, by Jane Savoie

When is someone old? There’s an idea out there that, for humans, “old” is fifteen years older than you are. For horses, it’s five years older. I’m fifteen, so “old” to me is twenty. To a fifteen year old human, 30 would seem old.

A long time ago people used to die of “old age” in their 40s. Back then, old people were honored as wise and knowledgeable. They were valued and revered. But mass media, especially movies and television, has overwhelmed and changed human culture. Youth has become the ideal. Unfortunately, youth is not something you can work toward; it’s something that you lose. And EVERYONE loses their youth, no matter how hard they try to hide it.

It’s easy to say that youth is a state of mind, but that’s tough to believe when your knees ache and your bones creak. And yes, some people age so beautifully and well, that age seems to only improve them like fine wine. But overall, people resent aging. And there is nothing quite as tragic and hopeless as regret for a youth gone by.

I believe it’s the level of enthusiasm alive in your heart that decides if age is going to be a good thing or a bad thing. Growing gray in spirit is much more tragic than finding gray in your hair. Having something to live for, to achieve, to strive for, keeps us youthful and engaged. That’s why horsemanship is so appealing to the mature set. There are always things to learn, skills to improve, and goals to meet. There is no end. You’re never done.

Do you consider yourself beautiful? I hope you work on your insides as much as on your outsides. Read, learn, and find a grander purpose outside of your own self interests. Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their true beauty. They merely move it from their faces into their hearts. And that’s what determines a life well lived.

Love, Moshi

From Indy:

Being a dog is great. I’m three years old now, and I’m a very happy dog. People say that Moshi is the wise one, but I’ve learned a whole lot in my short three years. And that includes the secrets to being happy. Would you like to know what those secrets are? Here you go:

IndyBunnies. You can’t be anything but happy when you’re chasing bunnies. You don’t have to catch them, but watching their little cotton ball tails bounce up and down while they hop away will always bring a smile to your face.

Swimming, especially with a friend. Take someone with you to throw the ball. Swimming is great exercise. It can warm you on a cold day or cool you off on a hot day. It’s not possible to frown if you and your friend jump into the water together chasing a tennis ball. Even if your friend wins the race to the ball, you’ll be smiling and laughing in no time.

A soft bed. There is nothing as comforting as a nice, soft bed. Sleep a while. You’ll wake up feeling great.

True friends. My friends Jane and Rhett are always there for me, and I for them. Knowing this allows me to feel safe and happy. Surround yourself with kind, healthy people who love you, and whom you love. Let the mean girls go. You don’t need them.

Purpose. Having a reason, a purpose that’s bigger than you, is very important. Search your own heart and figure out what’s truly important to you. Do more of that. Don’t wait. Do it now.

Say, would you like to go to the pond with me today? I’ll show you where the bunnies live, and you can throw the tennis ball. That will make us both happy! See you there!

Love, Indy

Jane Savoie
1174 Hill St ext.
Berlin, VT 05602
Jane’s Website

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