Motivation from Moshi, by Jane Savoie

I really like my barn. It’s so cool with its screened-in porch and big air fans. The floor is a cushy rubber brick that absorbs the impact of my steps. There’s a beautiful bowl fountain with an eagle sculpture in the center that’s always full of clean, cool water. I appreciate how spotless the barn folks keep the place, too!

I appreciate that I am fed good quality food on a regular basis. I never go hungry. My water is always full and crystal clean. When I have turn out, I have delicious, fresh green grass to eat.

I also appreciate how much the people around me care about me. I care about them too. Jane, Rhett, the barn folks, even Indy, make my life interesting and worthwhile.

So, what do you appreciate today? I know there are things you’d rather were different, but forget about those for a while. What’s GOOD in your life RIGHT NOW? What situations, people, horses, dogs, experiences, and surroundings can you feel appreciation for today?

Did you know that a feeling of gratitude or appreciation is the HIGHEST vibrating emotion you can feel? It’s even higher than love!

So, if you want to feel good, or even just a little bit better than you feel now, all you have to do is think about something you appreciate. That’s it! Easy as pie. You can do it!

I appreciate YOU today! Thank you for reading my Motivations from Moshi. I like sharing my thoughts with you. Your wonderful feedback makes me feel appreciated. And that feels great!

Love, Moshi

From Indy:

ALIENS! Aliens invaded my swimming pool! They were small, feathery, noisy things that flew RIGHT INTO MY POOL! They squawked and honked, scaring me out of my wits! I’d seen them in the sky before but never so close up. I was outnumbered or I’d have chased them away. Yessir, I surely would have!

IndyJane showed up with a camera and laughed as she took pictures of me and the aliens. She reassured me that I was absolutely safe, and that these were just migrating duck aliens on their way to the Everglades. They weren’t dangerous; they just stopped by our swimming pool to rest and get a drink.

When I heard Jane’s soothing voice and saw her relaxed manner, I knew I was okay. She’s a good leader who would never put me in harm’s way. Once I knew she wasn’t concerned, I was also not concerned. I trust her.

Isn’t it funny how scared we get when we don’t understand something? How about you? Have you ever been scared because something was new or you didn’t understand? Then later it seemed silly that you were afraid at all. That happens all the time. So remember, if you’re afraid, it probably means you just don’t have enough information yet. It’s okay to be cautious. Just do your best to learn more.

But if you DO see aliens in your swimming pool, I hope you’ll stay away until you’re absolutely sure they came in peace! I’d sure hate to see you turned into a green-skinned pod person. YIKES!

Love, Indy

Jane Savoie
1174 Hill St ext.
Berlin, VT 05602
Jane’s Website

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